Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Boston Colloquy in Historical Theology

Boston Colloquy in Historical Theology
August 3 & 4, 2007

21 Campanella Way, Room 328
Boston College

Friday, August 3
I. 9:00-10:30: Paul LaChance, College of St. Elizabeth
“Analogical Predication of Transcendentals in Boethius”
Respondent: Eileen Sweeney Boston College

II. 10:45-12:15: Gregory LaNave, Dominican House of Studies
“Knowing God Through and in All Things: A Suggestion for Reading the Itinerarium mentis in Deum”
Respondent: Garth Green, Boston University

III. 1:15-2:45: Kevin L. Hughes, Villanova University
“The Scriptural Center of Bonaventure”
Respondent: Boyd Taylor Coolman, Boston College

IV. 3:00-4:30: Ian Levy, Lexington Theological Seminary
“Questions of Scripture and Tradition in the Late Middle Ages”
Respondent: Dale Coulter, Regent University

V. 4:45-5:45: Dennis Martin, Loyola University (Chicago)
“Tractate Writing beyond the University: Cloistered Public Intellectuals in the Mid-Fifteenth Century”
Respondent: Kent Emery, University of Notre Dame

Dinner: Boston Room, 6:30-8:30

Saturday, August 4
I. 9:00-10:30: Paul Gavrilyuk, Harvard University
“The Theology of Pseudo-Dionysius in Modern Eastern Orthodox Scholarship: A
Respondent: Warren Smith, Duke Divinity School

II. 10:45-12:15: Sandra Keating, Providence College
“Refuting the Charge of Tahrif: Abu Ra'itah (d. ca. 835 CE) and His First Risala on the Holy Trinity”
Respondent: TBA

III. 1:15-2:45: Paul Gondreau, Providence College
“The Passions and the Moral Life in Thomas Aquinas”
Respondent: Steve Brown, Boston College

IV. 3:00-4:30: Bruce Marshall, Southern Methodist University
“Christ and Israel in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas”
Respondent: Holly Taylor Coolman, Boston College

Roundtable Discussion: “What is Historical Theology?”

Alas I won't be able to attend since I am here in California for my sister's wedding. I had exchanged some messages with Dr. Martin over at Pontifications; it would have been nice to meet him in person. It'd be good to pick his brain about the 14th and 15th centuries, the intellectual environment both in the universities and the monasteries on the eve of the Protestant Revolt. He has also edited a book on Carthusian spirituality, and written another on 15th century Carthusian reform.