Thursday, June 06, 2013

Rome Reports: Benedict XVI: 'I'm fine. I live like a monk'
Rome Reports: Pope Francis: Idolatry is dangerous. God is the one true Lord Taparelli's magnum opus available from La Civiltà Cattolica

Taparelli is perhaps best remembered (if at all) for his contribution to the concept of subsidiarity and for coining the term “social justice” (giustizia sociale). His understanding of social justice is not exactly the same as our contemporary notion of it. Thomas Burke (one of the few people who write about Taparelli in English — Thomas Behr is another) has this to say about Taparellian social justice:

It is one of the ironies of history that the quintessentially “liberal” idea of “social justice,” as it was to become (in American terminology), should have been originated by an ardent conservative … Unlike the conception of social justice generally accepted in our society at the present time, which is socialist and difficult, if not impossible, to harmonize with our ordinary conception of justice, Taparelli’s conception 1) is simply the ordinary and traditional conception of justice applied in a new area, namely the constitutional arrangements of society, 2) does not apply to states of affairs in society that could exist independently of human actions, 3) constitutes a defense of societal inequality, and 4) is conservative.

I will have to read Thomas Burke's paper.
Communio: Milan Lach nominated auxiliary bishop of Presov

Some photos of the ordination: Vysviacka pomocného biskupa Milana Lacha.
I am curious as to what Anthony Rizzi does with Newtonian Mechanics in his textbook but as it is priced like a textbook I won't find out for a while.

Turns out he was on Coast to Coast AM back in 2004.