Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Dominicana: Beyond Endearment

"Searching for Jonah"

Some contemporary [Catholic] scripture scholars question the historical existence of Jonah - some argue simplisitically that the story of him being swallowed by a fish is too fantastic and therefore the book of Jonah is a fictional parable used to illustrate the Divine Mercy. Apparently this is not new -- this questioning has been taking place since the beginning of the 20th century. Does it coincide with the rise of modern scripture studies? The last linked essay has arguments for Jonah being historical, especially the fact that Christ Himself refers to Jonah being in the belly of the whale (and also to the repentant Ninevites). While one can refer to fiction to draw a comparison to what can happen to the real world, would this lose its effectiveness? If one is false, why not the other?

Is Jonah invoked as the patron saint of anything? Is he included among the OT prophets?

Discussion at a CA thread.
Dave Armstrong