Saturday, May 14, 2016


and disordered self-love? Does the movie exalt the protagonist's desire to complete the mission or excoriate him?

The Other Recent Latin Volume of Essays on Theosis

Edited by Andrew Hofer, O.P. - Divinization: Becoming Icons of Christ Through the Liturgy -- is available for preview on Google.

Jared Ortiz wrote this review of the book for CWR.

Eastern Christian Books: An Interview with Carl Olson on Theosis/Deificiation/Divinization

Eastern Christian Books: An Interview with Carl Olson on Theosis/Deificiation/Divinization

Markos Kampanis Interview

Social Justice is Legal Justice

What Exactly Is Social Justice? by Carrie Gress
Pope Pius XI Defined the New Virtue, Focusing on the Common Good, in 1931

Social Justice Isn't What You Think It Is by Michael Novak and Paul Adams, Encounter Books

Parts of it may actually be good even though Novak is a liberal, i.e. a supporter of capitalism.

Posting This for the Images from the Temple

I'm guessing the iconography is relatively recent.


A Chinese Catechism

Vatican Radio