Thursday, March 19, 2015

Memory Eternal.

Thomistic Circles: What is a Person?

Kasper on Francis, Again

How Pope Francis Sees the Church (via Pertinacious Papist)

Rethinking the Seminary

Seminaries: What Were and Are They For? by Fr. Anthony Perkins (via Byz TX)

Maxims for Christian Living by Fr. Hopko

Byzantine TX: 55 Maxims for Christian Living by the late Fr. Thomas Hopko

DSPT Aquinas Lecture 2015

St. Thomas Aquinas in Art & Legend by Michael Morris, OP

Embedded video can also be found here.

Fr. Thomas Hopko Has Passed

I will miss his series on Ancient Faith Radio

Jean Duchesne on Louis Bouyer

The second segment... "L'Esprit des Lettres accueille également Jean Duchesne pour son livre Louis Bouyer, édité chez Artège. L'auteur veut nous donner des clés de lecture pour comprendre et approfondir la pensée puissamment originale du père Louis Bouyer, souvent considéré comme l'un des grands théologiens du XXe siècle."