Sunday, August 14, 2016

Insight Scoop: A noteworthy (but little noted) revolution at World Youth Day 2016 -- A Different Kind of World Youth Day

From the Mass programs:

The overarching aesthetic, though, is a sound specific to Dominicans in France and Poland. You’ll notice several compositions by French priest André Gouzes, OP, in which he hearkens back to Byzantine chant with its circular four-voice harmonic progressions. Several contemporary Polish composers are also represented, who employ a similar aesthetic (sometimes called the “Gouzentine” sound). Most of this music is antiphonal, where a short refrain is repeated several times, interspersed with Scriptural verses. It’s a bit like having multiple Responsorial Psalms packed into a Mass.

Not sure if you can find any samples of this below:

Msgr. Michael Heintz on Dryness in Prayer