Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Talks from the Searching for the Sacred Symposium at Ancient Faith Radio


Jean Bethke Elshtain

Jean Bethke Elshtain, a Political Scientist Unafraid to Talk God, Has Died - her faculty page. Chicago Tribune. Christianity Today. National Review.

Mirror of Justice: Jean Bethke Elshtain and "Legal Moralism"

Other on Jean Elshtain: Elshtain on Catholic Social Thought in America
Elshtain's "Augustine and the Limits of Politics"

Eastern Christian Books: The Problem of Sovereignty

The problems of mandatory sentencing and federal overreach:
Seven Shot Guns Shells, No Weapons, But 15 Years in Prison

Leading from the Front

Are We Walking to Heaven Backward? A Pastoral Consideration of Liturgical “orientation.” by Msgr. Charles Pope
CNS: Lessons from the Christian east

"Bishop John M. Botean of the Romanian Catholic Eparchy of St George's in Canton, Ohio, recently gave CNS a quick explanation of the appeal of Eastern Christian spirituality. Originally produced May 17, 2012."

To be "Ignatian"

CWR: Superior General of the Jesuits encourages youth to be “Ignatian people”
Fr. Adolfo Nicolas, SJ, participates in the pre-WYD program, MAGIS Brasil

(via Insight Scoop)

Ignatian people? Not Christian people? Often when the term is used by modern-day Jesuit colleges, it is in reference to a transformed Catholic Christian humanism which has been divested of its Christian center, little better than what passes for "spirituality" in popular culture. There may be talk about human dignity and social justice, but very little focus on God and Christ.

But the superior general did not deviate so far:
Speaking in Spanish, Fr. Nicolas made some opening remarks, observing that the world is in the middle of an economic, political and cultural crisis. “What worries me is that there seems to be no alternative system, despite all the information and intelligence available in the world”. He went on to draw from the experience of St. Ignatius, suggesting that in order for young people to make a difference in transforming the world “you have to transform people first”. However, the challenge of transforming the world, according to Fr. Nicolas, is best met by allowing God to transform our hearts, after which we can be able to change what is outside. He encouraged the young people to use gatherings such as the World Youth Days, to widen their horizon to see more and open their hearts, while recognizing that Christ works in the heart of every person, irrespective of social class.

Although the last line reminds one of Rahner's "anonymous Christianity," if Fr. Nicolas is speaking of Christians and non-Christians alike. While he is right to urge "caution and discernment in determining when to receive international aid, especially when they have strings attached to them," are his suggestions about universities too tied to industrial development and unsustainable growth?

OP: Una liturgia internacional