Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rome Reports on the St. Augustine production

From 2 years ago, when the miniseries first came out in Italy/Europe?
Ite Ad Thomam: Video Conversation with Fr. Cekada on The Ottaviani Intervention
Ottaviani Intervention

Will someone write a biography of Cardinal Ottaviani?

In an advertisement for the publication of Yves Congar's journal written during the Second Vatican Council, a part of the entry for Tuesday 6 November 1962 is given: "At 6 pm, I called on Cardinal Frings: he had asked me to come. Ratzinger, Jedin and Rahner were there too. Purpose of the meeting: to see how to go about proposing the Rahner-Ratzinger texts in place of the existing dogmatic schemas."

It would be great if someday those schemas were publicly available for review.

A progressive take on the cardinal: How the Order of Deacons Was Restored to the Roman Church
A Time article from 1979: Religion: A Cardinal Carabiniere