Saturday, April 18, 2020

STMARKCOC - MTL Divine Liturgy of the Feast of the Resurrection, Apr 18th, 2020

Midnight Office & Procession; Paschal Matins, Paschal Hour, & Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

St. Tikhon's Monastery

Holy Pascha - The Resurrection of Christ

I thought the Byzantine liturgy in English was very well done in this video... one of the few times I didn't think it sounded strange to my American ears.

Here's another:

David Cayley Interviews John Milbank

Radical Orthodoxy

Theology and Sanctity

NRT: "Théologie et sainteté dans l’œuvre de Louis Bouyer" par Marie-David Weill

Holy Saturday Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 4/18/20

A Latin Papacy

Sandro Magister: Francis, the Pope Who Does Politics Firsthand. The Analysis of a Church Historian

Sandro Magister publishes an essay by Roberto Pertici, "Primacy of the Spiritual or Primacy of the Political?"

Pertici probably is correct with making such a distinction, but is Pope Francis really exercising his office in a way with which his Renaissance predecessors would disagree?

Valeurs Actuelles Interview with Cardinal Sarah

Sandro Magister has the links: Celibacy, Amazon, Germany. Cardinal Sarah Returns To the Field