Sunday, October 30, 2016

Can Vatican I Be Preserved?

Regarding Msgr. McPartlan's opinion on the Chieti document, who in recent years has advanced a maximalist interpretation of Vatican I's teaching on the authority of the pope and given an explanation of what the following mean?

1. full power has been given by our lord Jesus Christ to tend, rule and govern the universal Church
ordinary jurisdiction means?
2. the Roman Church possesses a pre-eminence of ordinary power over every other Church, and that this jurisdictional power of the Roman Pontiff is both episcopal and immediate.

[The rest of paragraph 2 is probably highly objectionable to Orthodox: "Both clergy and faithful, of whatever rite and dignity, both singly and collectively, are bound to submit to this power by the duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, and this not only in matters concerning faith and morals, but also in those which regard the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world."]

What are the limits to papal authority? What is to prevent the pope from banning married men from becoming priests? Or to imposing the Roman rite on all apostolic Christians?

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Mother Maggie Gobran

Chiesa: Luther At the Stake. No, At the Altars. The Double Vision of the Jesuit Pope

Yesterday he saw the Protestant Reformation as the root of all evil. Today he celebrates it as “medicine for the Church.” But he doesn’t appear to have retracted his critiques. Here they are, word for word


An Icon of Human Freedom, part 2

Monastery of Chrysopigi

Ines A. Murzaku on the Chieti Document

Crisis Magazine: The Chieti Agreement Encourages Catholic-Orthodox Unity by Ines A. Murzaku


This Religious Order Knows How to Grow Vocations by Kevin T. DiCamillo

A New Book from Fr. Gabriel Bunge

in English translation that is... Spiritual Fatherhood: Evagrius Ponticus on the Role of the Spiritual Father

Another Recording of Shema Yisrael

Thursday, October 27, 2016

CWR: Martin Luther's Revolt: A Psychological Examination By Peter M.J. Stravinskas
Several of the key moves in Luther’s life were made as a rebellious answer to the authority he encountered at the time, including entering the monastery and founding his own church.

One Day Late

I that the story of Holy Demetrios and Holy Nestor is remarkable in so far as it is like David versus Goliath; God uses the small to overthrow the proud and powerful, and in this case even to kill of the persecutor. It would seem contrary to an interpretation of Christianity as advocating absolute pacifism. (Unless someone wants to claim that Holy Nestor went too far and went against the will of God, though he was reconciled in time to die a martyr's death.)

Women's Equality?

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

How Reliable a Commentary?

Franciscan Antinomianism

Lecturing Roman Catholics once again...

Pope Francis: Rigid People Are Sick by Edward Pentin
A person who is rigid in many cases conceals a "double life", lacks the freedom of God's children and needs the Lord's help, Pope says in morning homily.

Jesuits, One and All

Our Icons

Love and Marriage...

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

On St. Ambrose of Optina

Uncompromising Faith

Already Sold Out!

Icons of Sound

Info on the Saturday symposium here.

What sort of separation between the nave and the sanctuary?

What is the nature of the separation? What would Fr. Schmemann say?

Iconostasis, Rood Screen, Communion Rail...or Shag-Pile Carpeted Step? by David Clayton
Rorate Caeli: "Reverence Is Not Enough: On the Importance of Tradition" -- Dr. Kwasniewski's Lecture at Strahov Abbey in Prague

From footnote 8:

As it happens, the theorists of the Novus Ordo, above all Josef Jungmann, S.J., held two false theories: the Corruption Theory (that at some undefinable point in the early Middle Ages the liturgy began to depart from its pristine ancient condition and suffer corruption, a process that only worsened over the centuries) and the Pastoral Theory (that liturgy must be adapted to the mentality and condition of each age, and that modern man, being exceptionally different from his forbears, needs a radically different liturgy). The former has as a corollary antiquarianism or archaeologism, while the latter has as its corollary modernization. Both theories are false and must be rejected, and their poisons must be purged from the Mystical Body.

Is this really true of Jungmann?
Rorate Caeli: CDF: Instruction of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on Burial and Cremation

Insight Scoop: New: "The Wise Man from the West: Matteo Ricci and His Mission to China" by Vincent Cronin

Monday, October 24, 2016

A Bad Sign of Things to Come in Turkey?

Jonathan Pageau's Interactive Drawing Project

Commentary on the Chieti Document by Fr. Lawrence Farley

Who Can Block the Holy Spirit?

I read Matthew Levering's Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Regarding the Holy Spirit’s unitive mission in the Church, Levering responds to Kendall Soulen, who focuses on relationship between the Holy Spirit and multiplicity or diversity, by emphasizing the Holy Spirit’s promotion of unity in truth and unity in charity, the bond that unites the Church. I was reminded of the Kontakion hymn in the Byzantine rite for the feast of Pentecost, which contrasts God’s dispersal of mankind at Babel with His calling of all to become His people at Pentecost. God’s undoing of the tower Babel is not through the Church having a single, uniform language and culture, but through the unifying of diverse peoples with their own Christianized languages and cultures. But as we see in the history of the estrangement between Catholics and Orthodox, and the early separation of the Oriental, or Non-Chalcedonian, Orthodox churches and the Assyrian Church of the East, differences in languages or terminology (as mentioned above in the dispute over the Filioque), exacerbated by political issues, nationalism, cultural chauvinism, and other factors, have been significant barriers to agreement and communion. But the greatest cause of the failure of the apostolic churches to reach full communion in the past may have been insufficient charity (and humility). In relation to the Holy Spirit’s mission of unity, it seems to me that the zeal of bishops to preserve the unity of faith may have surpassed their zeal for charity. In this respect, the tasks of the Third and Fourth Ecumenical Councils remain incomplete (though the various apostolic churches have in the last half-century issued statements with other churches that they do not really disagree on the important issues of Christology). All must examine their conscience or the churches will continue to be chastised. The Holy Spirit is the force behind healing and reconciliation; but can it even be said that in defense of Bouyer's thesis in The Church of God, that the Holy Spirit has never failed to preserve those who have no fault in the separation in the unity of faith and charity, even though some of their bishops may have thought otherwise and excluded each other from communion?

Anamnesis, Not Amnesia: The 'Healing Memories' and the Problem of 'Uniatism' by Father Robert Taft, S.J.
Ecumenism and healing of memories; ecclesiological issues?

Saturday, October 22, 2016

An Icon of Human Freedom

Venerating the Saints

50th Anniversary of the Repose of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco

St. Luke the Evangelist

New Director for Holy Cross Orthodox Press

Fourth Boston Byzantine Music Festival

The Beatitudes

Riza Vestments

Winners of the 2016 Ratzinger Prize

Pope Francis on Holiness

An International Conference on Vocations

for the Patriarchate of Rome. Like it'll help with the crisis.


Eastern Christian Books: The Majestic City of Constantine

Eastern Christian Books: The Majestic City of Constantine

Christendom College Seeks to Build a New Chapel

Their current recruitment video: Dare to be Great? Reminds me of Donald Trump and "Make America Great Again."

Christendom College launches a new capital campaign.

They want to build a Gothic-style chapel even though none of the other buildings are in that style. And I personally think that overall, Gothic is not that attractive, though some Gothic temples here and there are beautiful, especially if they are made primarily out of wood. The first chapel may be simple, but I think it fits the campus better and is more American in appearance ("colonial" style?). What will the locals think of the temple? A foreign intrusion into their area? (Did they even bother to consult the locals for the design?)

They plan to convert the current chapel into a cultural center.

What alternative Latin architectural style might be suitable for the campus? Did they choose Gothic because it is associated with the medieval period? Modified colonial, with some Renaissance influence, something to complement the library?

There are different national styles of Byzantine architecture, but do we see as much change in these styles over time? Is Byzantine architecture more likely to be stable and have the semblance of "timelessness"?

O Ancient Beauty Ever New: Thinking about Sacramental Architecture by Steven Shloeder, Ph.D.

How different would some of those designs be if the architects did not have pews in mind when they created their designs?

Restoring Sacred Architecture to a Higher Plane by TRENT BEATTIE
William Heyer works to draw faith communities heavenward.

Rorate Caeli: EXCLUSIVE - The Marxist Revolutionary: New Jesuit Superior-General revealed by those who knew him in Venezuela

Friday, October 21, 2016

One Would Expect More from the Orthodox as Well

Seems that many Orthodox prelates can't help but embed themselves with American politicians, much like their Catholic counterparts. But at least the Russian-American Orthodox do not do this?

Byz, TX: NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo receives Pat. Athenagoras award
Rorate Caeli: De Mattei: To which Church does Pope Bergoglio belong to?
Fr. Z: Benedict XVI commented again on turning toward the ‘East’ for liturgical worship - Catholic Herald

Thursday, October 20, 2016

CWR Dispatch: Taking a page from the Proportionalist Playbook? Edward N. Peters
A minister’s decision about giving holy Communion to an individual is not controlled by the recipient’s subjective conscience, well-formed or otherwise.

CWR Dispatch: William Byrd and the beckoning of beauty by Peter M.J. Stravinskas
Style and class have been banished from most Catholic sanctuaries in our land – and we are all the poorer for it. The transient, the ephemeral, the cheap have replaced the beautiful, the uplifting, the inspiring.

Sowing the Heart, Knowing the Heart

Part 2 of "The Altar and the Portico"

More from St. Elias

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Holiness in Contemporary Culture

Chiesa: So Many Errors, Your Holiness. And Some Marked With Red by Sandro Magister

Francis likes his talk freewheeling, with all the risks that go with it. Here is a review of his latest blunders, a dozen in four months. The most sensational with China

Divine Liturgy in the Patriarchal Cathedral 16.10.2016

About Christianity in our world (29 09 2015) - Fr. Gabriel Bunge

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

His Argentinian Brothers

Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP on the Launch of the Ukrainian Catholic Catechism in Australia

The Catholic Weekly: Two lungs breathe as one as Ukrainian Catholic catechism launched in Sydney by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP

Homily of His Beatitude Sviatoslav on the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

I was thinking about the Inquisition and the Dominicans and how they are portrayed in the movie version of The Name of the Rose, which while rooted in historical circumstances is anti-Catholic and hence not so historically accurate (especially with its depiction of the Dominicans?). I know someone who admires his writing style, if not necessarily his message. (I don't think he has ever blogged about that aspect of Eco's writing.) If only Eco had remained Catholic and written a novel that revealed the historical truth about the medieval Church; I agree with De Mattei that Eco should have put his talents to better use, in service of God and the Church. (Though De Mattei's genealogy in that article of nominalism, "a decadent and deformed interpretation of Thomist doctrine" is suspect.) Eco would probably have access to the scholarship done on the medieval Latin churches; even now we have historians like Fr. Augustine Thompson writing about that period. But if he had an agenda, he would have ignored that scholarship regardless.

How would a historical novel about the medieval Latin churches be different, if written from the perspective of someone like Fr. Louis Bouyer regarding the development of Latin spirituality?

Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is an Orthodox Church

David Clayton on the English Gothic School

Sts. Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary

Eastern Christian Books: From Byzantine to Islamic Egypt

Eastern Christian Books: From Byzantine to Islamic Egypt

Monday, October 17, 2016

Face of a Dying Order

They met have some vocations from third world countries (should we ask about the level of catechesis there?), but there is no vitality in the order.

A Liturgy in Which Rite?

The Remnant: Fighting the Papal Fetish to Win Back the Papacy by John Rao

I wish that I could say that I am as certain that we are “awakened” to what we positively need to know for the future of the Social Kingship of Christ as I am that we are correct in fighting that papal fetish that seeks to block desperately needed criticism of the current pontificate. Quite frankly, I think that there is still too much anti-intellectualism, too much John Locke, too much Adam Smith, too much American parochialism, too much obsession with enemies now dead and buried, and too much hope for salvation from some new Constantine focused on matters of secondary importance to recognize what the papal fetish is really blocking knowledge of in 2016. And that is the fact that the willful Nominalism of the later Middle Ages, destructive of all categories of knowledge, the willful Lutheranism of the sixteenth century, destructive of all legitimate social authority, and the willful, freedom-obsessed, Anglo-American and Continental Liberalism of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, destructive of all restraints on individual madness, with all of the contradictory, capitalist, statist, and libertine consequences that emerge therefrom, have now wormed their way into the teachings and actions of the legitimate successor of St. Peter.

A little too negative and anti-American?

But Capital Punishment Does Not Exclude Hope

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Blood Ecumenism

Liberalism Disguised as Catholic Social Teaching Presented as the Works of Mercy?

Posting This for the Icon

Why Not an Eastern Catholic Prelate?

Benedict XVI on Bartholomew

Pope Francis:

Lutherans Won't Quit

Edit. Statue of Martin Luther at the Vatican
Unbelievable, if true -- what proof is there that Martin Luther was holy? Why a statue to honor him? Would this be scandalous to the Orthodox?

Jesuit News

All in clericals now:

Learn the Priestly Blessing in Hebrew (Aaronic Benediction)

Chiesa: In Rome Yes, In Florence No. Here’s How “Amoris Laetitia” Is Dividing the Church

In the pope’s diocese, the divorced and remarried can receive communion, in other Italian dioceses no. Because every bishop is deciding as he wishes. A manual by Cardinal Antonelli for confessors who want to remain faithful to perennial doctrine
Rorate Caeli: IMPORTANT: SSPX Superior-general Bp. Fellay met Pope and CDF yesterday (October 13)
Understanding Evolutionary Theory with St. Thomas

Find a Spiritual Father or Mother

Ho Philanthropos

Byzantine Vestments


The Mystery of Mary

Friday, October 14, 2016

Humility in Seeking Forgiveness

Are Such Gestures Necessary for Ecumenism?

If they were serious about reconciliation, could something else be done?

This may seem too much like one prelate scratching the back of another, for the same in return....


Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon on St. Anselm's Atonement

But is the presentation of Anselm correct?

Orthodox Shaman?

A Special Jesuit Liturgy

What would St. Ignatius think of the Jesuit branding? Jesuit Swag!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

CWR Dispatch: A fiercely intellectual book on the moral complexities of sex by Fiorella Nash
A review of Anthony McCarthy's "Ethical Sex: Sexual Choices and their Nature and Meaning"

Marian Consecration

Are Marian Consecrations, whether the version of St. Louis of Montfort or someone else, have taken a hold in the Latin West if the West had had a better liturgical spirituality and liturgical theology? Shouldn't our consecration to God the Father, initiated through Baptism which makes us adopted sons, and repeated in every Eucharist, be sufficient? What about analogues in the East?

Total Consecration: Consecration Explained
Consecration Prayer to Mary

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Shemà Israel - Cammino Neocatecumenale

Given what I posted on Saturday... I had to post this, which I found last week. A bit odd... reminds me of 60s guitar Mass music.

The man himself:

What a traditional Jew be scandalized by this?

How long was the Shema Israel retained by the early Christians as a part of their liturgical prayer? (I assume that it was part of Jewish daily liturgical prayer at the coming of Christ.) Why wasn't it kept? Because the Torah was replaced with Christ?

Discern with the Western Dominicans

On the Tree of the Cross

Matthew Baker, Seraphim Danckaert, and Nicholas Marinides, eds., -- Jordanville: Holy Trinity Publications

Saturday, October 08, 2016

Pray Tell: Is Liturgical Reform Possible? by Nicholas Denysenko

Learn the Shema Prayer in Hebrew (Shema Yisrael)

Pray Tell: Viewpoint: On Praying the Psalms on Behalf of the World by Msgr. M. Francis Mannion

Not bad, but where is the Roman Catholic equivalent to Christ in the Psalms by Fr. Patrick Henry Reardon?

Found this today: A Psalter for Prayer: An Adaptation of the Classic Miles Coverdale Translation Augmented by Prayers and Instructional Material Drawn From Church Slavonic and Other Orthodox

How is the translation? Sufficiently Anglicanish? What's a good resource for learning (post-)Elizabethan English?

Wiki: Early Modern English

Msgr. Paul McPartlan on the Chieti Document

Catholic and Orthodox find common ground in early Church understanding by John Burger
Member of ecumenical panel explains why the dialogue's latest document is significant

Eastern Catholic Monastics of the West Coast

The Way of Christ

An Introduction to Byzantine Chant

Friday, October 07, 2016

Friendship with Christ


More from the Archbishop of Canterbury's Visit

A Lot of Old Faces

Of course, the archbishop of Canterbury shows up with a "priestess"

General Congregation 36 News

CWR Dispatch: The way forward after the Catholic-Orthodox agreement on primacy and synodality

How are we to reconcile the dogmatic fact of Vatican I’s universalizing claims with the now publicly admitted historical fact of regional limitations to the authority of the bishop of Rome in the first millennium?
October 07, 2016 01:38 EST
Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille

Maxim Sheshukov

Christ Our Pascha

St. Josaphat Eparchy

English Edition of CHRIST OUR PASCHA, the Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, is now published and available!

Thursday, October 06, 2016

NCReg: Next Synod Will Be on 'Young People, the Faith and Discernment of Vocation' by Edward Pentin
Meeting of bishops from around the world to be held at the Vatican in October 2018.

Will they sneak in clerical celibacy in the discussion about vocations and discernment?

And how sacrifice and prayer offered in the temple in Jerusalem?

Pray Tell: Did the Presider Face East in the Early Church? by Paul Bradshaw

Eastern Christian Books: Vatican II and the Christian East

Eastern Christian Books: Vatican II and the Christian East
Chiesa: The Reform of the Reform “Will Happen.” The Pope Wants It, Too

This is what Francis has said in private to Cardinal Sarah, only to deny the whole thing afterward in a statement. But the prefect of the liturgy is promising it once again, in a book of his that goes on sale today, entitled “The Power of Silence”
Chiesa: Buenos Aires and Rome. For Francis, These Are the Model Dioceses

In the one and the other the pope has made it known what kind of implementation he wants for the eighth chapter of “Amoris Laetitia,” the one about communion for the divorced and remarried. His approved spokesmen: the Argentine bishops and his cardinal vicar
ITI: 20 years ITI: celebratory weekend highlights the universality of the Catholic Church
Over 300 guests from around the world came to Trumau September 30th – October 1st; Cardinal Schönborn calls the founding of the ITI 20 years ago by St. John Paul II visionary

Monday, October 03, 2016

Revealing the Real Music of St. Francis of Assisi

Franciscan University professor Nicholas Will speaks of beloved saint’s transition from troubadour to Tradition, by Trent Beattie, NCReg (via Chant Cafe)
Pravoslavie: On Psalm 50 by Fr. John Whiteford

Is Psalm 50 a Messianic psalm? Why does the psalm culminate in animal sacrifice? How should we incorporate this psalm in our daily prayers? Fr. John Whiteford talks about one of the most often-read psalms.

The Wisdom of the World...

A New Mitre

Pray Tell

Kyrie Eleison.

From Svetitskhoveli Cathedral

aleteia article

(via Byz, TX)

Not Again

CWR/CNA: Full text of Pope Francis' in-flight press conference from Azerbaijan
Topics discussed include the papal visit to Georgia, religions and human rights, marriage and "Amoris laetitia", gender ideology, future trips, and the U.S. presidential election.

CWR: Cardinal Robert Sarah on "The Strength of Silence" and the Dictatorship of Noise
In a wide-ranging interview with "La Nef", Cardinal Sarah discusses his new book, published in France, saying, "By living with the silent God, and in Him, we ourselves become silent."
By CWR Staff

In the current liturgical context of the Latin-rite world, how can we overcome the mistrust that remains between some devotees of the two liturgical forms of the same Roman rite who refuse to celebrate the other form and consider it sometimes with a certain disdain?

Cdl. Sarah: To damage the liturgy is to damage our relationship to God and the expression of our Christian faith. Cardinal Charles Journet declared: “Liturgy and catechesis are the two jaws of the pincers with which the devil wants to steal the faith away from the Christian people and seize the Church so as to crush, annihilate and destroy it definitively. Even today the great dragon is keeping watch on the woman, the Church, ready to devour her child.” Yes, the devil wants us to be opposed to each other at the very heart of the sacrament of unity and fraternal communion. It is time for this mistrust, contempt and suspicion to cease. It is time to rediscover a Catholic heart. It is time to rediscover together the beauty of the liturgy, as the Holy Father Francis recommends to us, for, he says, “the beauty of the liturgy reflects the presence of the glory of our God resplendent in His people who are alive and consoled” (Homily for the Chrism Mass, March 28, 2013).

And then we have this post and the subsequent comments... False Nostalgia: The Culture of the Latin Mass from a Millennial’s Perspective -- the author does not address the revision of the liturgical calendar or the lectionary, the translations, the creation of new Eucharistic prayers for the Roman rite, the non-use of the propers of the Mass.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Shema Israel

Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic

Again, About Women

How about the importance of men?

Posting for the Icons

No Raven This Time

Not Patronizing to the Orthodox?

NLM: Participatio Actuosa in the Current Magisterium: Guest Article by Fr Peter Stravinskas (Part 2)
Gregory DiPippo

The Church of the Protection of the Theotokos

The Five Tasks of a Theologian

And There Be Dragons

On the Charlemagne Prize Speech

Christian Order: Francis Accepts His Prize by HUGH FITZGERALD

Photos of Francis with Ilia II

The Theotokos: The God-Bearer

St. Thérèse Wasn't a Pelagian!

St. Thérèse’s “Little Way” to Sainthood through Divine Mercy