Monday, November 25, 2019

What's Going on in the Vatican?

Sandro Magister: Money Wars At the Vatican. With the Pope Among the Belligerents


The Third Hour Troparion Interpolation


Pope Francis in Japan

Is an organ really necessary for such public Masses? And has no one attempted to develop a Japanese form of sacred singing, one that is not Western in inspiration? What happened to inculturation? I see a lot of women in the choir for the Mass in Nagasaki (the heart of Catholic Japan) - how many Japanese male Catholics participate in Latin liturgical life in Japan? Even in Nagasaki, they had to feature multilingual readings...

That's St. Paul VI to You Latins

Paul VI’s Contempt for Catholics Who Did Not Welcome the Liturgical Reform

How does the liturgical reform of the Roman rite and Paul VI's commentary contradict the documents of Vatican I and Vatican II on the authority of the pope? When is a Latin traditionalist going to honestly deal with this question?

Rod Dreher: What About The Protestant Catholics?