Monday, November 26, 2007

Regensburg resources

Meeting with the representatives of science at the University of ...
ZENIT - Papal Address at University of Regensburg
Regensburg: University Address, 12 September - Pope Benedict XVI
Schall on Benedict XVI: Fr. Schall: "The Regensburg Lecture"
ZENIT - God as Logos, Allah as Will
ZENIT - Regensburg Revisited (Part 1): Interview With Father James ...>
ZENIT - Regensburg Revisited (Part 2): Interview With Father James ...
Part 3

Regensburg Revisited
Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog: Fr. Fessio's reflections ...
vatican - Islam Benedict XVI and Islam - Asia News
ZENIT - Benedict XVI Proposes Increased Dialogue With Jews
ZENIT - Benedict XVI Warns of Syncretism
The Holy Father stated: "In our world, evermore conditioned by the urgencies of globalization, a deep and demanding dialogue is necessary between cultures and religions. But this is not to diminish them with an impoverishing syncretism; rather, it is to enable them to develop in a climate of reciprocal respect so that each one works, according to its own charism, for the common good.
From Chiesa:
Why Benedict XVI Is So Cautious with the Letter of the 138 Muslims

Because the kind of dialogue he wants is completely different. The pope is asking Islam to make the same journey that the Catholic Church made under pressure from the Enlightenment. Love of God and neighbor must be realized in the full acceptance of religious freedom