Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fr. Nichols' essays on the liturgy

Lost in Wonder
Mary Victrix: Traditionalist Sleight of Hand

Note that the question answered here is not whether the traditionalists are right in challenging the hermeneutic of continuity. That will be answered in the next post. The question here is simply whether the Holy Father has really invited or encouraged the debate over the possibility of an interpretation of the Council based on a hermeneutic of continuity. He has not.

What will he write in the next post?
TEDxSF - Louie Schwartzberg - Gratitude

A podcast on gratitude from an Orthodox perspective.
The liturgy in the life of the Church (via MB)
Visit of Bishop Hilarion of Vienna
January 30, 2004

He talks about the need for education and touches on the intersection between faith and reason.