Saturday, May 16, 2020

"A Look at the Virtue Tradition"

The "Primacy" of the Patriarch of Constantinople

Crux: ‘Orthodox Social Ethos’ aims to put Eastern Church spin on social issues by Charles C. Camosy

If it's not an official document of Patriarch Bartholomew, then why should it be accorded any weight. And even if it were, then why should it be accorded any weight? As a document of moral theology, it must be evaluated as such -- where was the discussion with bishops and theologians who might have disagreed with the language or the premises?

What Will Be Left of the Patriarchate of Rome in 100 Years?

CWR Dispatch: The next hundred years of St. John Paul II’s legacy by Jonah McKeown for CNA

Will ultramontanism still be around then?

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