Monday, April 13, 2020

The Victory of the Cross

IVP: The Victory of the Cross: Salvation in Eastern Orthodoxy by James R. Payton Jr. (Google Books)

Università e lavoro - Video di don Julian Carron

Deification of Man in Christianity

Deification of Man in Christianity by Marcelle Bartolo-Abela (his website?)
Apostolate of the Divine Heart (12 Mar 2014)
ISBN: 978-0615809465

Review in Catholic Medical Quarterly.
Available from Amazon.

Written by a Latin

Rorate Caeli: The Realism of the Resurrection by Father Richard Gennaro Cipolla

But we must remember this: the purpose of his Real Presence in the Eucharist is not only for Holy Communion. We have forgotten that what Jesus did at the Last Supper and what he told his disciples to do—in “memory” of me (that word memory is too weak a word in English to convey what it deeply means)—is the same act as the Sacrifice of the Cross. Holy Thursday and Good Friday commemorate the same act—the saving act of God—in two different ways: one sacramental, one in time and space. It is the offering of the Son to the Father for the forgiveness of sins in the Mass that is the heart of the matter, which then allows us to approach the altar to receive his true Body and Blood. In the Traditional Roman Mass, the bell rings after the priest receives the Sacred Species, for this marks the completion of the Sacrifice. Then comes the invitation to the people to receive Holy Communion.
It makes me ask whether an Oriental Orthodox or Assyrian Christian would write something like this?

A Response to COVID-19?

First Things: A Time for Cornerstones

Architecture responds to human needs and aspirations. Throughout history, times of plague and catastrophe have called for serious responses in the form of churches and sacred art.

The "iconoclasm" that passes itself for "noble simplicity" would probably recoil at such suggestions.

It is possible for there to be variety of artistic expression even within the same liturgical rite, but might it be said that the issue for the patriarchate of Rome is that there are few universally agreed upon standards for the use of iconography, art, and space for church design or modification? Moreoever, the norms of urban and suburban temples in mass population centers probably needs to be questioned as well.

James Franklin on Mathematics

Ed Feser: Franklin on Aristotelian realism and mathematics

His website.

Palgrave Macmillan: An Aristotelian Realist Philosophy of Mathematics: Mathematics as the Science of Quantity and Structure

Dr. Michael Licona: "Proving the Ressurrection"