Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Discussion of the Holy and Great Council

at Pravoslavie

Athonite Monks on the Pan-Orthodox Council
Athanasios Zoitakis
The Athonites await the Pan-Orthodox Council with careful attention. On Athos they pray and hope that its participants will remain within the bounds of Orthodox Tradition, previously outlined by the Ecumenical Councils and Church Tradition.

On the situation caused by the refusal of several Local Orthodox Churches to participate in the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church
"In the event that this proposal is not accepted by the Most Holy Church of Constantinople and the Council on Crete is still convened despite the absence of the consent of several Local Orthodox Churches, the participation of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church in it, with profound regret, is considered impossible."

The Essential Problems with the Holy and Great Council
Met. Hierotheos Vlachos
Eventually, all of the dreams of the "Fathers" of this idea resulted in it becoming, not an Ecumenical Council, but a Holy and Great Council which is still unable to find its identity, tackling just six issues that are vague, untimely, without a clear cut goal, and some of which are detached from the tradition of the Fathers.

Setting Aside a Holy Place in the Home

Eastern Christian Books: The School of Antioch

Eastern Christian Books: The School of Antioch
NLM: Another Call for Artists - Please Learn to Draw! by David Clayton

"I have heard people say that they signed up for icon painting classes, for example, because they think that they don’t need to be very good at drawing."

I definitely want to work on my sketching and drawing skills. First I need a guaranteed win of the lottery...

Catholic Representatives to the Holy and Great Council

Posting This for the Second Item

Rorate Caeli: Jubilee of Mercy News:
1. Is the Jubilee of Mercy attracting far fewer pilgrims to Rome than expected?
2. Experimentation returns to the Papal Liturgy; Gospel accompanied by "dramatization" in Jubilee Mass for the Sick at St. Peter's

Hand Gestures Depicted in Icons


65th Anniversary

Limited Free Access to Revue Thomiste

Thomistica: Free access to first 39 years of the Revue thomiste