Sunday, May 03, 2020

Waiting for This One to Be Published

Can There Be a Reform of the Reform?

1P5: Why the “Reform of the Reform” Is Doomed by Peter Kwasniewski

Why are there still liturgically minded people defending the Novus Ordo or promoting its “redemption” through Ratzingerian improvements?

Only now are some younger men becoming bishops; thus we see examples like Thomas Daly or Alexander Sample, both of whom sponsored liturgical conferences, which I think are aimed at an enrichment of both forms of the Roman rite. There are also probably many bishops like Joseph Strickland, who prefer the OF but allow their priests to study and celebrate the EF, and perhaps introduce some enrichment into the OF. But many dioceses still have the old guard in positions of power, though many have retired in recent years and will continue to retire, while others have the next generation of "progressives" in charge. So, ask the question again in 5 years, and maybe things won't seem so bleak, at least with respect to liturgical praxis.

Let's break down the second claim.

Cappella Romana, Icons of Sound - Part 1



From the Altar to the Icon Corner: Bringing Liturgical Prayer Home

The Jesus Prayer

I just wanted to take the long version and show how it embodies most of the aspects of prayer outlined here.

"Lord Jesus Christ": adoration/doxology/praise/benediction

"Son of the Living God": adoration/doxology/praise/benediction

"have mercy on me": petition

"a sinner": contrition

The only aspect that seems to be missing would be thanksgiving, but it may be implicit in the first two, an acknowledgement of what God has done for us that is joined with thanksgiving in the spirit.

I would argue that all 4 aspects can be implicit in the Most Holy Name of our Savior, the simplest form of the Jesus Prayer which is His name itself. A cry to our Lord should be a cry for His Mercy, an expression of our humility and recognition of our sinfulness.