Monday, March 29, 2021

A Recent Photo of Benedict XVI

G*d Bless Cardinal Sarah

The Mosaics of the Basilica of St. Praxedes

Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research

O sacred head, sore wounded (Passion Chorale)

Eastern Christian Books: Byzantine Religious Law in Southern Italy

Eastern Christian Books: Byzantine Religious Law in Southern Italy



If taken literally and not as hyperbole that excludes the fact that the only way to become an orthodox Christian is to be incporated in Christ, then how can this be not wrong? We are first grafted into Christ and His Life, and we learn from others and their experiences. How does this differ from what St. Justin Popovic said: "Christians today can become true Christians only if they're guided on adaily basis by God's saints"? Teachers, guides, mentors are important -- but can these mentors be found outside monastics?

Temples of God