Sunday, May 03, 2015

Divine Liturgy, 150503

Jeff Mirus on Henri de Lubac's Vatican Council Notebooks, Vol. 1

Henri de Lubac's fascinating notes on Vatican II By Dr. Jeff Mirus

How good is this generalization?
A more immediate historical influence might be attributed to the two world wars of the twentieth century. Throughout the West, people came to have a profound respect for military precision and obedience, and all the habits of thought associated with soldiering. Those who can remember the 1950s will remember a society still interested in precise dress, short military hair cuts, and punctilious manners when it came to rank, not to mention the need to concern oneself primarily with one’s own duties, while accepting unquestionably the larger decisions of authority. This lent the entire culture a quality of systemic formalism.

(Ignatius Press)