Monday, September 19, 2016

An OK Icon

The Spirit of Assisi?

Chiesa: With Bergoglio the “Spirit of Assisi” Triumphs. But Ratzinger Is Ruining the Party
Francis reruns the encounter with men of all religions inaugurated by John Paul II thirty years ago. But the objections of the cardinal prefect of doctrine back then are still alive. And even more radical

The Nativity of the Mother of God...

Something More Sensible

From Fr. Anthony Ruff, OSB: Gregorian Melodies with Vernacular Hymn Texts: A Proposal

I wouldn't reject every proposed liturgical reform issuing from his keyboard. As for his credibility as an authority though...

Related: Another Gregorian hymn suggestion

The State of RCIA in the US?

Pray Tell: Non Solum: RCIA in Practice

Of Limited Rhetorical Value

Unlikely to change minds in Opus Dei.

NLM: Reclaiming St. Josemaría Escrivá for the New Liturgical Movement by Peter Kwasniewski

John O'Malley, Again

This time on Vatican II.