Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Opening the Remaining Archives of Pius XII

CWR: History Redeemed: Justice for Pope Pius XII by William Doino, Jr.
The March 2nd opening of the last remaining archives from Pius XII’s pontificate will likely reinforce what historians already know about the war-time pontiff’s actions on behalf of endangered Jews.

Time to Move the Chairs on the Deck Again

"Younger." Sure.

CNA/CWR: German bishops’ elect new conference chairman

Erstes Pressestatement von Bischof Bätzing nach seiner Wahl zum Vorsitzenden der DBK
Der neue Vorsitzende der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz Bischof Georg Bätzing zu seiner Wahl

Monastère Saint-Benoît


via Fr. Z

A Product of Western "Semi-Arianism"?

For contemporary monothelites, by contrast, Jesus’s humanity is firmly in the driver’s seat. To the extent that we may say that Jesus is divine, this is at best a secondary claim, derived from the historical Jesus, the product of a scientific quest.

First Things: Jesus: Less Than Divine by Hans Boersma