Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ignorant of their own rite and what was deemed normative... the commentators over at Pray Tell with respect to sung liturgy. What is the blog and the head blogger doing to dispel the ignorance? Apparently little.

Why Chant is Good for Children by Timothy P. O’Malley
NLM: Historical Recreation of a 15th Century Mass by Gregory DiPippo

A Conference with a Focus on the West?

A Moderate?

The standard framing of any practical issue... conservative, progressive, moderate... as if moderate were the mean between two (vicious) extremes.

Communion of Love: Thomas Merton and Liturgical Reform by Gregory K. Hillis

Merton was probably right about active participation (and its relation to scale); but did he have any clue about what was coming with respect to changes in prayers and texts?


Henri de Lubac