Monday, November 02, 2020

Audiobook of Immortale Dei

The Bosom of Abraham

Fr. Peter Heers on Voting

His judgments and recommendations may be correct; they may not be. But relying on one elder as a source of political wisdom? Questionable.

Eternal Memory

Roman Primacy

There are no limits, even as Latin theologians and canonists try to come up with some in order to save the institution.

Betsy Brown, "The Lindisfarne Gospels: St. John"

Andew Willard Jones Today

Fr. Gerald Murray on World Over

Discussing the pope's comments on civil unions.

Interview with Dr. Fagerberg

CWR: “Liturgical mysticism is the crowning of the Christian life” “Mystical” says Dr. David Fagerberg, “is not a character trait that only some people have … Our royal baptismal priesthood is an exercise of liturgical mysticism.”

Dominicans Singng at the Angelicum