Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Liberal Could Agree With This

At least the love part, and the consequence that we should not use capital punishment.
The Holy Father does not directly engage the long-established tradition that recognizes its legitimacy; he instead moves beyond, appealing to a tradition within the Church which transcends bare moral truth, to love beyond the minimal, especially when it comes to something that so cuts off the other.

This is not a “change” in Church teaching any more than “love thy neighbor” is a “change” from “the Lord’s curse is on the house of the wicked.” Opposing the death penalty is to love despite and beyond any underlying moral truth, which by itself would be inadequate in expressing Christ’s unending outpouring of forgiveness and mercy.
It really isn't more than an attempt to side-step the clear theological problem for the sake of preserving Latin claims about Roman primacy.

The Josias

Michael Pakaluk on Fratelli Tutti

A a Roman Catholic, Pakaluk accepts Latin claims about Roman primacy. As for brotherhood, Pope Francis is addressing not only Christians but all of his brothers, those who are his brothers merely by being human and have some sort of affinity by nature and origin.

Again: A Questionable Use of a Parable for Moral and Political Theological Purposes

Cardinal Müller on Fratelli Tutti

CWR: Cardinal Müller discusses Fratelli tutti, Trump and Biden, Corona-virus restrictions, German “Synodal Process”
“In our love for the Church of Christ,” says the former Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, “we must interiorly overcome personal injuries, apocalyptic fantasies about the end times, and the impulse to resign ourselves…”

Kath.net: On Sunday, [October 4,] Pope Francis published his new Encyclical, Fratelli tutti. What is your initial evaluation?

Cardinal Müller: The Encyclical is quite comprehensible and is to be recommended for more in-depth study, insofar as it is addressed to all people of good will and even teaches with Veritatis splendor by John Paul II that intrinsically evil acts do exist, contrary to most German moral theologians. It would be wrong to say that it is consistent with the Freemasons’ or the United Nations’ talk about fraternity, because it emphasizes the transcendence of brotherhood in God the Creator and expounds God as Father and the Church in Mary as Mother of all mankind. Its argumentation can be situated along the line running from John XXIII to Benedict XVI about [the Church’s] social teaching and the non-negotiable values of human rights. The Christian message is not reduced to what is universally human, but rather the reverse: the human way of life that grows from the faith is recommended as a foundation for the coexistence of human beings of different religions and cultures in today’s global civilization.

Joseph Pearce on John Henry Newman

Will Look for an Archived Video of This

Holy Edward, Pray for Us!

Αρχιερατικός Εσπερινός Αγ. Καλλινίκου Εδέσσης Β
