Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pope Francis and Museum-Piece Catholicism (via MoJ)

A tiresome example of the problems besetting Catholic academia and the American Church.

The Liturgy Wars Continue...

The arguing between "theocons" and "traditionalists" continue, and I am getting weary of it. (Never mind that both groups are ultramontanes, even if with some small differences.)

Anyway... The poor, impoverished materially or spiritually, have a "right" to a beautiful liturgy that enables them to elevate their souls and go beyond this vale of tears. The Church's liturgy is a better representation of the corporate nature of worship and communion with the divine that is heaven than solitary, private prayer. (Even if subjectively, the latter for those who are advanced in holiness may better approximate heaven, due to the infused gifts by God.) Something from 2006:

«Liturgy and the poor, the treasures of the Church»

An interview with Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith chosen by Pope Benedict XVI as Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments

Interview with Malcolm Ranjith by Gianni Cardinale