Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who's minding the Curia?

Sandro Magister, Too Much Confusion. Bertone Puts the Curia Under Lock and Key (via Rod Dreher)

Any long-term reforms in the Curia because of "Towards reforming the international financial and monetary system in the context of global public authority"?

1 comment:

W.LindsayWheeler said...

I want to warn people that this so-called document mangles the exigesis of the Tower of Babel. How these people in the Vatican no less, put out such a warped mangled view is beyond me:

Through the account of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), the Bible warns us how the “diversity” of peoples can turn into a vehicle for selfishness and an instrument of division. In humanity there is a real risk that peoples will end up not understanding each other and that cultural diversities will lead to irremediable oppositions. The image of the Tower of Babel also warns us that we must avoid a “unity” that is only apparent, where selfishness and divisions endure because the foundations of the society are not stable. In both cases, Babel is the image of what peoples and individuals can become when they do not recognize their intrinsic transcendent dignity and brotherhood.
The spirit of Babel is the antithesis of the Spirit of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-12), of God’s design for the whole of humanity: that is, unity in truth. Only a spirit of concord that rises above divisions and conflicts will allow humanity to be authentically one family and to conceive of a new world with the creation of a world public Authority at the service of the common good.

This is absolute balderdash. The Tower of Babel is that the unity of man is an EVIL!

"To conceive of a new world" is not Christian but Kaballa Tikkun Olam of fixing the world.

There is NO transcendent Human unity! That is Marxism.

The Logos, Jesus Christ, created Races! God destroyed the Tower of Babel as Evil and changed man's language so all men keep to their race! That is the real interpretation of the Tower of Babel.

This document is nothing but Marxism! Marxism in the Vatican!