Saturday, January 21, 2012

Zenit: Pope Clarifies True Nature of Justice and Peace
Remembers Christians Paying for Fidelity With Their Lives

Justice," the Holy Father explained, "is not a mere human convention. When, in the name of supposed justice, the criteria of utility, profit and material possession come to dominate, the value and dignity of human beings can be trampled underfoot. Justice is a virtue which guides the human will, prompting us to give others what is due to them by reason of their existence and their actions. Likewise, peace is not the mere absence of war, or the result of man's actions to avoid conflict; it is, above all, a gift of God which must be implored with faith, and which has the way to its fulfillment in Jesus. True peace must be constructed day after day with compassion, solidarity, fraternity and collaboration on everyone's part.

A novel understanding of the virtue of justice? One that is harmony with contemporary theories of justice rooted in human dignity and rights. A more classical or Thomistic definition would not emphasize or include this, only the latter (action or the lack of action) as giving the ratio explaining why we make a return.

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