Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Watered-Down Adopted Sonship?

Opus Dei: Message
Divine filiation. “Divine filiation is the foundation of the spirit of Opus Dei,” said its founder, St. Josemaría Escrivá. The Christian is a child of God by virtue of baptism. Thus the formation provided by the Prelature seeks to foster among the Christian faithful a deep awareness of their being children of God, and helps them act accordingly. It fosters confidence in divine providence, simplicity in their dialogue with God, a deep awareness of the dignity of each human being and of the need for fraternity among all people, a truly Christian love for the world and for all human realities created by God, and a sense of calm and optimism.

Sounds like the watered-down version of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, rather than a robust understanding of deification.

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