Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bishop Robert Barron on Henri de Lubac

CWR Dispatch: Cardinal Etchegaray, Henri de Lubac, and Vatican II by Bishop Robert Barron
What is still very much the needful thing today is the de Lubac attitude.
Are both left-wing and right-wing rejections of Vatican II on display today? Just go on the Catholic new media space and you’ll find the question readily answered. What is still very much the needful thing is the de Lubac attitude: deep commitment to the texts of Vatican II, openness to ecumenical conversation, a willingness to dialogue with the culture (without caving in to it), reverence for the tradition without a stifling traditionalism.

Often because of the post hoc fallacy, Ressourcement theology is being ignored by Latin traditionalists. Others merely are committed to their version of Thomism, and critique Ressourcement theology accordingly. Another approach taken by some contemporary Thomists is to take what was good in the return of the sources and employ it in Thomism, hence Ressourcement Thomism. Do Latins have what is necessary to reset their ecclesial tradition and teaching? Arguably that is what the best of Ressourcement theology was trying to do, though whether they were able to do so is questionable, as those who were orthodox had to stay within the bounds of second millenium Latin "dogma," rather than question whether those teachings by Latin councils were actually definitive.

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