Thursday, April 26, 2007

E. Michael Jones on Sam Francis

His speech commemorating Samuel Francis.

Actually, this post isn't about Dr. Jones's remarks about Samuel Francis, but what he says about the "revolutionary Jew," this point in particular:

He is not our enemy because of some occult racial inheritance. The revolutionary Jew is our enemy because he has rejected Logos. This means that Jews to the extent that they accept, honor and revere Logos, are not our enemies. There are Jews who accept Logos fully by sincerely accepting baptism, and there are Jews who accept it in some lesser capacity by their docility to the truth. We all know Jews like this, and they should not be excluded from our fellowship, especially since many of them have suffered at the hands of “the Jews” themselves.

As the Gospel of St. John makes clear, the Jews became “the Jews” the minute they rejected Christ. As such, their only identity is negative. The minute they rejected Logos, which means reason, order, speech, and word, they became revolutionaries, determined enemies not only of Christ and the Christian social order, but any order in any society not of their own revolutionary making.

On the one hand, Dr. Jones asserts that there are Jews who sincerely pursue and follow the truth as they understand it. On the other hand, he wishes to distinguish between the Jews who accepted Christ and those who rejected him. But then he generalizes by saying all who reject Christ reject Logos, and reject any order that is "not of their own making." Who is culpable for rejecting Christ? Only God knows. Do all who reject Christ do so culpably? No, and Dr. Jones admits this if he thinks there are Jews who do follow at least the lower Logos. It is one thing to criticize the form of Judaism that develops after the destruction of the Temple, it's another to say that all Jews are opponents of Logos or Christ, simply because of their beliefs.

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