Monday, September 11, 2006

podcast: T. Hibbs on Nihilism

One of his favorite topics? At least one that he writes and talks about a lot.

mp3, listed here

(From Right Reason. As Maxwell Goss of RR notes, the Center for Ethics and Culture also has some online papers. One of these used to be John Haldane's (definitely an analytic Thomist) "Thomistic Ethics in Amerca." Now available only to academic institutions that have a subscription. I guess I'll have to download it at B.C.; I don't think this was re-published in his collection of essays.)

Alexander Pruss

An analytic; is he an analytic Thomist?

faculty page

He was a part of the Thomism-Analytic philosophy program at Princeton in August (more info; original site--seems dead). He has joined the Right Reason blog, which needs to be updated more often, and perhaps on more substantial topics. (Though I can understand why one would want to save that sort of writing for potential publications--that's the nature of academia.)

Also at the Princeton seminar--Mark C. Murphy. Another analytic? That would be my guess. He and John Finnis definitely differ on the notion of "common good," though as far as I can tell he is mostly sympathetic to the concerns and formulations of the "New Natural Law Theory."

Some other blogs:
The Prosblogion
Thomist Tacos for the Soul