Saturday, December 17, 2016

Third Advent Sermon


Roberto de Mattei

The Husband

St. Herman of Alaska

Consecrated to God

Adequate Acknowledgement of the Political Order?

How important to the Roman ecclesial tradition?

Fr. Hunwicke, Seminary training (2) :

(3) Para 4 cheerfully informs us (without explanation) that presbyters are ordained "by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit". Such epicletic enthusiasms do not conform to the spirit and genius (or the texts) of the Roman Church and her liturgy, in which the Episcopate is typologically aggregated to the Aaronic High Priest; the Presbyters to the Temple Priests; and the Deacons to the Levites. This was the clear teaching of the Roman Church from I Clement down to the aftermath of Vatican II, when Dom Botte got his hands on the Pontifical.

See also: Seminary training (1)

Vatican Issues New Document on Priestly Formation
Pope Tells Seminarians to Promote "Belonging"
CWR Dispatch: A canonical primer on popes and heresy by Edward N. Peters
Those engaging in loose talk about popes and heresy should be very clear about what is at issue.


For declaring a pope a heretic or deposing the pope -- under what circumstances and perspectives were the canons written? Was the perspective of the Universal Church, especially as embodied in an ecumenical council, included?