Thursday, January 12, 2017

Eastern Christian Books: The Papacy and the Orthodox

Eastern Christian Books: The Papacy and the Orthodox

More on Cardinal Burke's La Verità Interview

1P5: Cardinal Burke: “The Faith is in Danger!”

Also at 1P5: Pope Orders Cardinal Müller to Dismiss Three CDF Priests

For Cardinal Mueller, a humble faith is good for theology
The organ, something else that was introduced in the second millenium and is now taken to be "traditional" by the West?

Is the Organ Really a Sacred Instrument? by Joseph P. Swain
Pianos and guitars are comparatively cheap, and money is tight. Those of us who believe the organ is a sacred instrument have to take the question – “is the organ really a sacred instrument?” – and make it real, a spiritual matter for our pastors and parish councils.

How typical was the NAC of seminaries at that time?

Before the Council...

Lessons from an era of confusion by George Weigel
Msgr. Stephen DiGiovanni's book "Aggiornamento on the Hill of Janus" offers a snapshot of a once-stable institution caught in the maelstrom of ecclesiastical confusion and crisis—and offers lessons along the way.

Making Liturgical Furnishings

Arvo Pärt Documentary

buy here

A Sad Marketing Gimmick

One would have wished that sort of thing was limited to Jesuits and Franciscans...

Looks like it is getting much support from the Dominicans in the Philippines and their lay associates.

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Boston

A successful transformation of Gothic architecture into a Byzantine worship space?
