Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sandro Magister, A Newly Published Work by Ratzinger the Theologian. From 54 Years Ago, But Always Relevant

It is his doctoral thesis on Saint Bonaventure and the theology of history. With the backdrop of the Joachim of Fiore''s vision of a new and completely "spiritual" Church. The complete text of the preface written recently by the pope

John Mueller

Over at Front Porch Republic, AML writes:

John Mueller at the EPPC has been working on resurrecting what he calls Augustinian or neo-scholastic economics. The main feature of his work is its focus on “gift,” that essential element that you place so much emphasis on. Some of his articles are posted here: http://www.eppc.org/scholars/scholarID.73,type.1/pub_list.asp.

Is this an accurate characterization of Mueller's work? What is central to economics, the notion of gift (and the corresponding virtue of gratitude), or some other virtue, such as charity or justice? Is gift to be understood with reference to natural resources and such, or does it include other people as well?

Articles I should read:
Elements of Economic Theory and American Political Economy
Lehrman American Studies Center, Princeton University, 17 June 2008

A Return to Augustinian Economics

Restoring Economic Orthodoxy
Outline of (Neo-) Scholastic Economics

The Return of Natural-Law Economics By John D. Mueller

Other links:
The Claremont Institute - John D. Mueller