Sunday, July 04, 2010

From the third day of Dominicans and the Challenge of Thomism:

Emmanuel Perrier (Toulouse): Les thomistes ont-ils encore des raisons de parler du droit et de la politique?[download]

Michael Sherwin (Fribourg): The Return to Virtue: challenges and opportunities [download]

Romanus Cessario (Boston):How to Present a Thomist Moral Theology Today [download]

Wojciech Giertych (Vatican City): Gratia etsi sit efficacior quam natura, tamen natura essentialior est homini, et ideo magis permanens” (Ia-IIae, q. 94, art. 6, ad 2). Nature and Grace within Moral Theology, Reactions: Nicanor Austriaco (Providence), Michał Mrozek (Warsaw).[download]

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