Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Proper Interpretation of Vatican II

Dominicana: Conciliar Debates and the Desire for Unity

I received an e-mail from Loreto Publications that the translation of Roberto de Mattei's book on Vatican II is in the works, and it is hoped that it will be ready by the end of the year. If you are interested in purchasing a copy when it becomes available, please contact the publisher to let it know.

I still wonder, though, would it be necessary to force a reading of the documents that is orthodox and in harmony with Sacred Tradition if it were possible to admit that the documents are expressions of the Ordinary Magisterium, and hence not everything is on the same level, and that some tentative opinions were advanced which could be erroneous? An ecumenical council may be an "extraordinary act" as stated by the author of the above, but that does not mean that its documents necessary belong to the Sacred or Solemn Magisterium of the Church. If the second Vatican Council had not been so hyped, would we need to pay so much attention to it as a source of discord and division?

There is a video of the sedevecantist Fr. Cekada on the topic of the Ordinary Magisterium.

On the Hermeneutic of Continuity: Benedict XVI, the Reformer
See also The Five "Conciliar" Days of the Pope

Vatican Insider:
“Modifying the draft document on the divine Revelation”
"It taught us to live in a new world" by LUCA ROLANDI - Interview with Jesuit historian and theologian, John W. O’Malley

30 Giorni has had to suspend publication, with issue number 5. IN MEMORY OF DON GIACOMO TANTARDINI

Clear Ideas on the Pope's Infallible Magisterium

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