Tuesday, November 24, 2020


SVS Press

The Real Red Pill: Orthodoxy and Conspiracy Theories by Fr. Joseph Lucas

And yet, Christians did not focus on the conspiracy itself, but rather on the role they were to play within society. So how did they live in those days?

Both the New Testament and the writings of early Saints seem unconcerned with the power of the persecutors. They understood that God is also the Lord of history, and that the gates of Hades shall not prevail against the Church (Matt 16:18). In spite of the hatred often fulminated against Christians, they continued to love and pray for society and its leaders.

Yes Christians should be walking the ordinary path of holiness and practice agape, but is that all there is to it? The early Christians did not have a theory of just resistance to tyranny. Do we? And if we do, can we apply it?

Christ Martenson: Welcome To The Interregnum

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