Sunday, April 25, 2021

One of the Contemporary Errors in the West


jorgen b said...

Its philo-judaism. Because all christian instituyions now proclaim that "replacement theology is wrong" or "the Jews are God's chosen people (still)" they must be rid of Judas (Judah) having betrayed Jesus. His name is the name of Judah because he is a physival parable or physical-historical allegory: Judas represents that the Jews rejected Jesus and were themselves rejected and are not God's chosen people. To declare Judah to be (still) God's chosen people requires declaring thag Judas went to heaven.

jorgen b said...

This is also specifically stated in Hyam Maccoby's book "Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil" ... its the whole book essentially. This Jewish scholar (and many others) demand you erase Judas because they see clearly that they are Judas. The Catholic church's position since Vat 2 that the Mosaic Covenant is still valid and saves the Jews requires that they eventually erase Judas to be consistent with their heresy of rejecting "replacement theology."