Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Virtue and the Corporal Act

Rorate Caeli: For the record: Francis on the importance of adoration in the liturgy
"Adoration is what is most important: the whole community together look at the altar where the sacrifice is celebrated and adore"

Worship & adoration - chant, ritual and so on should be customary expressions of that interior disposition. And there is also the aesthetic aspect of external worship. If it is not beautiful (founded upon logos - word and reason, not mawkish sentimentality) our reaction when it is associated with God will have deleterious effects. (It may be believed that contemporary liturgical music places a great importance on the lyrics, which often can be criticized for being very poor theologically, but it seems that its adherence to a certain musical style, which supplants the lyrics by its very form, is even more problematic.)

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