Sunday, September 11, 2016

Wolfhart Pannenberg

Thinking of getting the English translation of his Systematic Theology.

The Achievement of Wolfhart Pannenberg by Michael Root

New and more determinative for his later theology is its thoroughgoing trinitarian character. In a way similar to some other recent theologians—most notably, in their different ways, Karl Rahner and Karl Barth—Pannenberg does not begin with a discussion of God as one and of the divine attributes, both understood without reference to God as triune, but begins with God as Trinity and allows that understanding to frame both the presentation of God’s unity and the elaboration of the divine attributes. Against that background, God’s act of creation is presented as analogous to the differentiation of the Son from the Father (hence, creation is through the Word) and salvation is participation in the life of the Trinity (an idea more familiar to Catholic than to modern Protestant theology).

He passed away in 2014.
Wolfhart Pannenberg—In Memoriam by Philip Clayton

The Strange Legacy of Theologian Wolfhart Pannenberg by Fred Sanders
He vehemently defended the Resurrection but denied the Virgin Birth. He was hugely influential but leaves few disciples. What you need to know about the German giant who died this month.

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