Friday, June 07, 2019

Bad Theology?

Or worse, heretical?

CNA: Holy See confirms changes to Italian liturgical translation of Our Father, Gloria

Links to discussions of the proposed translation of the Our Father can be found here. I am going to focus on the Gloria:

In the Gloria, the line “in térra pax homínibus bónae voluntátis” (on earth peace to people of good will) will be translated “pace in terra agli uomini, amati dal Signore” (peace on earth to men, loved by the Lord). It was translated “pace in terra agli uomini di buona volontà” (peace on earth to men of good will).

The Lord loves everybody for they can have no good whatsoever unless they first be loved by God. But God loves them even if they sin against him, and sinners do not have peace. Peace can be found only in Christ, for someone who lives in Christ and by extension those who may not be living in Christ yet but are cooperating with God's grace. (Or perhaps they may not have been sacramentally incorporated into Christ but have been done so in some other way.) Hence, "men of good will." A better translation of the original Greek would be "men, with whom God is pleased" -- and with whom is God pleased? Those who are righteous by His grace.

So, is Luke 2:14 to be taken as being in the indicative mood, or is it expressing a command (imperative mood) or a wish/desire? Most interpreters seem to take it as being in the indicative mood. If it is in one of the other moods then the new translation may be more defensible though it would still require a lot of proper catechesis to explain the meaning.

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