Friday, June 24, 2016

Jerome Lejeune: To the Least of These My Brothers and Sisters

MercatorNet: ‘To kill or not to kill, that is the question’
A new film about Jerome Lejeune shows the drama of his life after identifying the cause of Down syndrome.
Mary Le Rumeur

purchase the DVD

Photios Kontoglou

The Jesus Prayer and Prayer of the Heart

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ok in Small Doses

With what qualification?

Philosophy and Science

Good for Bill Nye.

Eastern Christian Books: The Ecumenical Councils: An Interview with Sergey Trostyanskiy

Eastern Christian Books: The Ecumenical Councils: An Interview with Sergey Trostyanskiy
The Remnant: “Tucho” Spills the Beans
Written by Christopher A. Ferrara
Chiesa: Francis and the Women. Homilies No, Diaconate More No Than Yes

The pope has reopened the discussion on the female diaconate, but has made it understood that he won’t do anything about it. And meanwhile he rejects the idea of having women preach at Mass

Byzantine Iconography on Mount Athos

Livestreaming Video for the Holy and Great Council


Atlas of American Orthodox Monasteries

Patriarch Bartholomew's Homily


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Catholic Book Blogger: CBB Interview with Leila M. Lawler and David Clayton
NLM: Modern Russian Iconographers Who Break the Rules but Conform to the Principles by David Clayton

Principles of iconography laid down by Vladimir Lossky and Leonid Ouspensky, along with some comments on creating icons for Latin Christians...

Monday, June 20, 2016

No Master of Theology is 100% Correct?

Does God permit theologians to make some errors for the sake of their humility and for the sake of ours, so that we recognize that no human teacher has all of the answers? If this is the case then how does this affect our understanding of what teaching [of theology] is? It is not just recognizing that some teachers are better than others (authorities) and going over their reasoning but we also have to return to the sources as another check?

Divine Liturgy for Pentecost for the Holy and Great Council

(the above via Byz, TX)

The Kneeling Prayers of Pentecost at the Council in Crete

English Divine Liturgy at St. John the Baptist

Sunday, June 19, 2016

The Pope is No Canon Lawyer

CWR: Pope Francis, Marriage, and the Missing Middle Term by Edward N. Peters
As happens so often when amateurs plunge into technical areas that they do not understand, Francis has taken a very narrow but plausible point and grossly exaggerated it.

The Dispatch: Papal comments on cohabitation and civil marriage suggest a direction By Edward N. Peters

Interview with Daniel Neculae

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Chiesa: Not One Pope But Two, One “Active” and One “Contemplative”

It is the unprecedented innovation that Ratzinger seems to want to put into practice. It has been announced by his secretary, Georg Gänswein. Redoubling the already abundant ambiguities of the pontificate of Francis

Related: Spaemann: “Even in the Church there is a limit to what is bearable”

Holy Transfiguration Skete

Friday, June 17, 2016

Sin as Self-Sabotage

Lumen Christi Institute: Sin as Self-Sabotage: Saint Augustine on Ravishing One's Own Ruin

The lecture topic is also his new book, to be published by Bloombury.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Q&A Webinar on the Holy and Great Council


Adam DeVille on the Holy and Great Council

CWR Blog: Eastern Orthodox rivalries and the healing of memories
In watching the plight of the Great and Holy Council of the Orthodox, there is no ground for Catholic smugness or triumphalism here; no room for any “apologetics” that asserts “This is what they get for not having a pope.”
June 16, 2016 10:12 EST
Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille

Pope Francis on the Lord's Prayer

Liturgy in the Twenty-First Centur

NLM: “Liturgy in the Twenty-First Century” - A New Book Edited by Dom Alcuin Reid
Gregory DiPippo


Pravoslavie: On Not Escaping the World, But Being Holy in It
Fr. Philip LeMasters
Even if we know the words of the Nicene Creed by heart, we may still be tempted to turn Christ into a Savior who fits with our preconceived notions about what we would like from a religion. After all, it is much easier to follow a Lord Who serves our own pursuit of pleasure, power, and pride than it is to embrace One Who calls us to holiness in every dimension of our existence.

The Crown of Creation

You are the Crown of Creation: The Creation of Adam
Jesse Dominick
This fifth Bible Study on the book of Genesis covers the creation of Adam on the sixth day of Creation. In it we discuss several topics surrounding the creation of man, including what it means to be in the image of God, what it means that God "formed" man of the dust, the integral unity of man's body and soul, man's unique position as the summit of creation, and

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Discussion of the Holy and Great Council

at Pravoslavie

Athonite Monks on the Pan-Orthodox Council
Athanasios Zoitakis
The Athonites await the Pan-Orthodox Council with careful attention. On Athos they pray and hope that its participants will remain within the bounds of Orthodox Tradition, previously outlined by the Ecumenical Councils and Church Tradition.

On the situation caused by the refusal of several Local Orthodox Churches to participate in the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church
"In the event that this proposal is not accepted by the Most Holy Church of Constantinople and the Council on Crete is still convened despite the absence of the consent of several Local Orthodox Churches, the participation of the delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church in it, with profound regret, is considered impossible."

The Essential Problems with the Holy and Great Council
Met. Hierotheos Vlachos
Eventually, all of the dreams of the "Fathers" of this idea resulted in it becoming, not an Ecumenical Council, but a Holy and Great Council which is still unable to find its identity, tackling just six issues that are vague, untimely, without a clear cut goal, and some of which are detached from the tradition of the Fathers.

Setting Aside a Holy Place in the Home

Eastern Christian Books: The School of Antioch

Eastern Christian Books: The School of Antioch
NLM: Another Call for Artists - Please Learn to Draw! by David Clayton

"I have heard people say that they signed up for icon painting classes, for example, because they think that they don’t need to be very good at drawing."

I definitely want to work on my sketching and drawing skills. First I need a guaranteed win of the lottery...

Catholic Representatives to the Holy and Great Council

Posting This for the Second Item

Rorate Caeli: Jubilee of Mercy News:
1. Is the Jubilee of Mercy attracting far fewer pilgrims to Rome than expected?
2. Experimentation returns to the Papal Liturgy; Gospel accompanied by "dramatization" in Jubilee Mass for the Sick at St. Peter's

Hand Gestures Depicted in Icons


65th Anniversary

Limited Free Access to Revue Thomiste

Thomistica: Free access to first 39 years of the Revue thomiste

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

And the Results Are?

CDF Letter on Gifts to the Church

Byz, TX: EP doubles down on "binding" nature of Crete if you go or not


Is the use of geometric patterns and the like to decorate mosques reconcilable with the Islamic conception of God? If it does not reflect something of God's nature knowable to us, then on what basis can human beings dare to decorate something that is dedicated ostensibly to God, or to His worship?

An Accurate Title?

Is some sort of qualifying needed?

Chiesa: The Pope Is Not Infallible. Here Are Eight Proofs
Mistakes, gaffes, memory lapses, urban legends. A list of errors in the discourses of Francis. The most disastrous in Paraguay

Monday, June 13, 2016

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pick and Choose

Not your usual post about "cafeteria Catholicism."

Is it possible for a Latin to identify exclusively with certain parts of his ecclesial tradition and not with others. For example, stained-glassed windows may have a place as a form of sacred art but Gothic architecture, while grandiose and conveying the scene of God's transcendent glory, may nonetheless be lacking in other ways, especially with respect to being a fitting place for the celebration of the Eucharist if the building is too big. In that case the problem may be more of scale than of architecture. But Gothic even on a small scale, even wooden neo-gothic temples, may still be less than ideal, especially if coupled with sculpture or carvings done in the Gothic style.

Perhaps I could be convinced otherwise.

But back to my original query: if I were my Latin, what is my ecclesial heritage? Is it an all or nothing affair? Do I need to acknowledge all styles of sacred architecture as being part of my heritage, or can I pick and choose? What if I identify more with classical, mediterranean Christianity of the early Church and the Church Fathers and less with medieval Latin Christianity (or Baroque and beyond)?

Because of the papacy, Latin Catholics are used to seeing Western Christendom as having a single ecclesial culture or tradition. Let's identify two components to this (there are others, such as liturgical customs and rites, other practices, saints that receive special honor):
1. artistic expressions of that tradition (architecture, painting, sculpture, music)
2. theological expressions of the tradition

I wouldn't consider the Latin Fathers peculiar to a specific ecclesial tradition; all of the Fathers of the Church constitute a common patrimony for the Church Universal, even if certain Fathers are emphasized by some traditions more than others. (Though some Latin Fathers may be favored over others in a theological tradition or school.)

It seems to me that it is legitimate for a Latin Christian to identify with certain styles of artistic expression more than others, specially if we take into consideration the national origins of those styles. Latin theological traditions may seem to be more "international" in character since historically they were expressed in Latin. But it was legitimate even back then for Latins to favor one theological tradition over another. No one could truly claim that a medieval Latin monk was less "Latin" (much less Catholic) than a mendicant for preferring monastic theology to scholastic theology. Rather than a Latin monoculture, should we instead think of there being a legitimate diversity within Latin (or Western) [Catholic] Christianity? If there can be not only a legitimate pluralism in theological expressions and schools but a legitimate preference, why not with respect to artistic expressions?

One need not pretend that other artistic styles or traditions do not exist, but I think one can properly maintain that they don't have as central a place in one's received ecclesial tradition or identity than those that are preferred. But is it possible for a Latin Christian to have an ecclesial tradition or identity alone, or whether a Latin ecclesial tradition is specific to a community or local Church, and not to individuals. If the latter is true, then only a community or local Church could have an ecclesial tradition, while an individual believer can have only a preference. Moreover, since the Latin Churches have become more centralized around Rome and the number of liturgical rites in use has been reduced to one, the Roman (for the most part), can any local Church really claim that it continues to bear an ecclesial tradition, one that is historically proper to it?

Friday, June 10, 2016

Furthering an Agenda?

NLM: Feast of St Mary Magdalene Upgraded to Feast by Gregory DiPippo

If there were any doubts...
CWR: As Pan-Orthodox Council Approaches, Conflicts and Uncertainty Intensify
Some Orthodox factions insist non-Orthodox Churches, including the Catholic Church, should not be called "Churches". That's just one of many serious disagreements casting a cloud over Crete.
By Fr. Cyril Hovorun

Eastern Christian Books: Who Doesn't Like a Good Feast?

Eastern Christian Books: Who Doesn't Like a Good Feast?

George Demacopoulos on the Holy and Great Synod

Thursday, June 09, 2016

A Robber Council?

According to what criteria?

Byz, TX: So, if you're keeping score...

Chiesa: It’s Everyone Or No One. The Synodality That Is Sinking the Council

A few days before it opens, the pan-Orthodox Council is in danger of failing. The patriarchates of Bulgaria, Georgia, and Antioch have announced their withdrawal, and Moscow is supporting them. The discord has been sown by the embrace between Kirill and Pope Francis

Over in Australia...

An Interview with Gerald O'Collins, SJ

From December 2015: Catholic Theology Today: 30 Questions for Gerald O’Collins, S.J.
In All Things
Sean Salai, S.J.

Gerald O’COLLINS. The Second Vatican Council: Message and Meaning. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2014. pp. xiv + 225. $24.95 pb. ISBN 978-0-8146-8311-8. Reviewed by Patrick F. O’CONNELL, Gannon University.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

No Reform in Sight?

Sapientia Press

Sapientia Press titles are available through CUA Press, but the imprint has its own url now, which is a shortcut to the CUA Press page.

Interview with Metropolitan Kallistos

A New Maronite Monastery in Washington



Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Interview with Dr. John Chryssavgis

Leading cleric says Orthodox Church’s ‘Vatican II’ is a go by John L. Allen, Jr. (via Byz TX)

"More Catholic Than the Pope"

Only in an ultramontane culture could this have meaning?

Sandro Magister Also Links to Anna M. Silvas

Chiesa: Alice in “Amoris Laetitia” Land

The dazzling critique by an Australian scholar on the post-synodal exhortation. “We have lost all foothold, and fallen like Alice into a parallel universe, where nothing is quite what it seems to be”

Rocco Buttiglione Interview

New Motu Proprio on the Removal of Bishops

At the Limits...

of politeness in ecumenism...

Video on the Pope Emeritus

Practicing the Jesus Prayer


The Icon...

Interview with Metropolitan Hilarion


Monday, June 06, 2016

Il Gesù

Serving the Gospel

CNA: How the beauty of Bach's music evangelized Japan

See also First Things and Christian History


Yes, it is a production for English-speaking audiences, but the use of a Japanese "accent" for the characters seems rather regressive, offensive to SJWs but probably an obstacle to non-SJW viewers as well. Couldn't it have been done in Japanese with English subtitles? Then it could have been marketed in Japan.

New: "All That Remains", the inspiring film about a Nagasaki Atomic bomb survivor and Catholic convert
Mere Comments: “Surprise & Wonder” Signals Battle at the Long-Awaited Orthodox Council?
Monday, June 6, 2016, 3:09 PM
James M. Kushiner

Ressourcement Theology and Modern Philosophy

I think it is correct to say that part of the project of the ressourcement theologians was to do what they could to make use of, if not adapt, modern philosophy to the expression of Christian teaching, in addition to returning to sacred scripture and the Church Fathers as sources of Christian teaching. How successful was their effort in this regard? Fr. Louis Bouyer made use of phenomenology, which might seemed to be opposed to Thomism and its brand of realism, but it seems to me that Fr. Bouyer's phenomenological writing in his theology works can be understood as a part of dialectic or cultural anthropology or human psychology. What about the use of philosophy by other ressourcement theologians.
Chiesa: “Scholas Occurrentes”: Francis’s Pedagogical Revolution

Goodbye, Catholic teaching. The worldwide network of schools that the pope is fostering and promoting with great fervor has a completely secularized educational paradigm. Instead of saints, the stars of sports and entertainment

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Friday, June 03, 2016

Hesychasm and Theology

OCN: Hesychasm and Theology: A Contribution to the Dialogue concerning the Great and Holy Synod

On the occasion of the convocation of the Holy and Great Synod of the Orthodox Church, we are publishing a text by George Mantzaridis, Emeritus Professor of Theology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which deals with the manner in which Orthodox Theology is produced. This text is a contribution to the more general dialogue which is preceding the discussions of the Pan-Orthodox Synod.

Sacred Heart

This Weekend

Catholic and Dominican Institute: Sixth Annual Philosophy Workshop

Steve Long is doing a presentation on the common good.

CWR: Vatican II and Eastern Orthodoxy’s Approaching Council by Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille

There are stylistic and substantial differences between the upcoming Great and Holy Council of Orthodoxy and the Second Vatican Council, but also three important similarities.

Wednesday, June 01, 2016

Our Sister Earth?

What about God our Father? Perhaps the pope is imitating his namesake and inspiration, St. Francis of Assisi, rather than embracing some sort of "creation" spirituality. We should acknowledge creation as a gift from God; still, can one find similar rhetoric in the Eastern saints? Does he sufficiently acknowledge God as origin of creation, and how one has a greater responsibility to Him than to His creation?

John Allen comments.

Crisis: Why the Church Needs a Commission on Deaconesses by A. Joseph Lynch

Update on St. Elias Church in Brampton, Ontario

NLM: The Rebuilding of St Elias Church in Brampton, Ontario

Let it Go (or Let Them Go)

CWR Blog: His Beatitude Sviatoslav on the "silent" war in Ukraine, Pope Francis, Pan Orthodox council by Catholic News Agency
"My opinion is that the borders of Ukraine are internationally established," says the head of the leader of Ukraine's Greek Catholic Church, "So it is not a discussion about the Ukrainian borders, it’s a question about an illegal annexation and occupation of the Ukrainian territory."