Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Text of Cardinal Sarah's Speech

CWR: A Light in the Darkness: Benedict XVI’s view of the Church in the midst of the crisis of the abuse of minors by Cardinal Robert Sarah
Editor’s note: The following address was given by H.E. Robert Cardinal Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, in Rome at the Centre Saint-Louis (Institut Français), May 14, 2019, on the [...]

"Lifting Up of My Hands"

"The question when lay people stopped praying with lifted hands during the Liturgy remains unanswered yet."

In the Byzantine East, was it due to increased clericalism in the liturgy?

As for the West, because of Gothic influence and the replacement by folded hands as the gesture of prayer?

The Forerunner


Ed Feser on Heresy

Ed Feser: Popes, heresy, and papal heresy

He links to an interview with John Rist regarding the "Letter."

Scholar defends letter accusing Pope of heresy: Church is facing ‘most serious crisis’ in history

"Man Is a Liturgical Being"

OrthoChristian: Man is a Liturgical Being by Olga Orlova, Archimandrite Methodius (Markovich)
A Conversation with Archimandrite Methodius (Markovich), the Abbot of Hilandar Monastery

The Lord's Prayer


Saturday, May 25, 2019

De Mattei Remembers Prominent Traditionalists

Remnant: The Fidelity of the City of Rome to the Mass of the Ages Written by Roberto de Mattei

On the Beatification of Enrique Angelelli et al.

Remnant: JORGE'S HEROES: The Dirty War and a Dirty Beatification by Christopher A. Ferrara

Latin Traditionalist Conspiracy Theory

Angelico Press: The Secret of Benedict XVI: Is He Still the Pope? by Antonio Socci

1P5: In New Book, Antonio Socci Speculates on the “Secret of Benedict XVI”

Fabian Flynn, CP

Reclaim Your Patrimony

Vatican News

Shutterstock photos

CNEWA: The Italo-Albanian Catholic Church

The New Roman Lectionary

NLM - Rorate Caeli

Elder Aimilianos of Simonopetra

Pascha at St. Elias in Brampton

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Crisis of Credibility

First Things: The Crisis Continues by Philip Lawler

If the testimony of Archbishop Viganò is accurate, then many Vatican officials knew of, and failed to act on, the charges against McCarrick. All those officials—including Pope Francis himself—would be subject to investigation under the terms of the new motu proprio. But if any such investigation has been made, we have not heard about it. So the crisis of credibility continues. 

A Papal Bugaboo

Sandro Magister: Proselytism, the Phantasm of Pope Francis

Bishop Schneider on World Over

full episode

The New Roman Marriage Rite

1P5: The New Lectionary and the Catholic Wedding by Peter Kwasniewski

One of the topics most hotly disputed at the synods on marriage and the family, back in those halcyon years of 2014 and 2015, was the possibility of admitting to Holy Communion Catholics who are living in what are euphemistically …

Shared Inheritance 2019 Conference

The Cross

Ruthenians in Rome

The Constantinian Church or the Frankish Church?

Where is the critical overview of Charlemagne's legacy for the evolution of the patriarchate of Rome?

Canticum Salomonis: Mysterium Mysteriorum: How the Ambrosian Rite Survived Charlemagne

1P5 Reviews Love for the Papacy and Filial Resistance to the Pope

De Mattei probably doesn't consider the resistance of the Chalcedonian Orthodox as being legitimate.

1P5: Roberto de Mattei on Resisting the Pope in the Modern Age by 1P5 Staff

Love for the Papacy and Filial Resistance to the Pope in the History of the Church Roberto de Mattei Angelico Press 232 pages $17.95 paper, $26.00 cloth For those seeking to navigate the turbulence in the life of the Church,

Fota XII

Liturgy Week 2019

Notre Dame: Liturgy Week 2019: Liturgy and the Domestic Church

David Clayton Reviews Adam DeVille's Book

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Friday, May 17, 2019

Adam DeVille on the New Moto Proprio

CWR: Pope Francis denounces clericalism, but his new motu proprio enables it
What “Vos estis lux mundi” neglects to draw to our attention—for obvious reasons—is that there is nothing requiring episcopal governance in its current monopolistic form.

By Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Chorus novae Jerusalem

Authentic [Latin] Catholicism?

Rebuilding Authentic Catholicism upon the Ruins of the Conciliar Experiment by Peter Kwasniewski

The solution to the mess into which we have fallen through a long series of bad decisions is simple and at the same time exceedingly hard: we have to make the opposite decisions, again and again. The Church needs to stop thinking about new strategies, new programs, new pastoral initiatives, or any statistical measure of success, and resolutely throw herself again into the proclamation of the full Gospel, including its “hard sayings”; the celebration of solemn and beautiful liturgy; the building of monasteries and religious communities on the foundation of the usus antiquior; the cultivation of an intellectually robust curriculum in seminaries and universities; an encouragement of large families, as in the old days, and the promotion of homeschooling. Only by taking a seriously countercultural path is there any long-term hope for Catholicism. As a believer, I am convinced that the Faith will survive and prosper again, but only where such things are being done, or to the degree that they are being done.

Even if the OF in the vernacular is not the proper tool for cultivating a Christian spirituality rooted in the liturgy, will Latin traditionalists fare much better?

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Video of Illumination Uploaded to YT

Alas, female altar server.

Interview with Fr. Wojciech Giertych, OP

CWR: Papal Household Theologian on sparking faith, returning to basics of Catholic life by Paul Senz
In the tradition of St. Thomas Aquinas, members of the Dominican Order tend to be particularly well-versed in philosophy, theology, scholasticism, and the great intellectual tradition of the Church. This is part of the reason [...]

Friday, May 10, 2019

Eastern Christian Books: Nicholas Denysenko on The People's Faith

Eastern Christian Books: Nicholas Denysenko on The People's Faith

Venice in the East

Ecclesial Survival of the Fittest

From a comment by Fr. Augustine Thompson over at Fr. Z's blog:

I lived through the 1960s and it was the rapid and authoritarian way the liturgical changes were imposed that drove people out—and they had been trained in a “culture of obedience”! The act of imposing a novel form of worship on them undercut the people’s faith, and so remotely lies behind the later long-term loss of practice and faith.

A similar imposition of mandated changes today would be met with an even greater exodus, especially if the changes were in the traditional direction. (It would be hard to think of further “liberalizing” changes as causing any great disruption, save for the small group of traditionalists who have already fled to traditional or traditionalist parishes / chaplaincies.) The idea that a top-down imposition of Pre-Vatican-II forms of worship will bring people back to the Church is disproved by this very article.

Mary Douglas, the great Catholic anthropologist, brilliantly analyzed the religiously destructive nature of massive changes in religious ritual and culture imposed by elitist authorities in her book Natural Symbols—which should be required reading for all involved with liturgy.

I agree: liturgical reform should not be imposed by Rome, though Rome should provide an example to the other local Churches using the Roman rite. Liturgical reform must be handled properly through local action by bishops and presbyters. (Should bishops impose their vision on their collaborating presbyters? Probably not.)  But what do we do if one bishop undoes the good work done by his predecessor? Hence we must have active laity and presbyters who will defend their "canonical rights." Even for liturgical reform to be handled well at the local level, there must be ecclesial reform that makes the institutional Church more accountable to the laity, and protection of presbyters from bishops who are opposed to orthodox reform. In other words, to protect orthodox reform (liturgical and otherwise) requires that reform include institutional practices of authority.

This is what is reasonable -- but I don't see what is reasonable happening -- what will happen is that there will be a competition between churches of different traditions for members, and those who are most responsive to the orthodox faithful will flourish, while those that are not will die out. Not only that but liturgical reform, while important, is only one part of the crisis in Christian spirituality and living that must be addressed. A feminized institutional Church that makes its liturgy better but does not address the reasons why men are not interested in "practicing religion" will still fail.

A Right to Have a Child?

Even if it is understood through the Natural Law as a restriction upon political authority, can we say that such a right or freedom is absolute? (Or even any right or freedom?)

With respect to the right to have a child -- even if a political authority cannot directly prohibit one from exercising it, can one say that this means that the authority is obliged to ensure that it is fulfilled or exercised without difficulty, or that there will be no negative consequences? For example, if there is a people fleeing or migrating to a new land, a journey that will take some time, one might say that it is a reasonable thing to suggest that the members of that people not engage in sexual relations, lest they be burdened with a pregnant woman who will prevent the group from traveling. And if such a woman gets pregnant, in extreme circumstances or danger, the people may be justified in leaving her behind in order to save the others.

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Liturgical Piety and Emotion

From "What Became of the Spirit of the Liturgy? Implementation of Sacrosanctum Concilium 1963—1965" by Susan Benofy

However, Guardini also says, the liturgy is difficult to adapt to modern man, who often finds it artificial and too formal, and prefers other forms of prayer which seem to have the advantage “of contemporary, or, at any rate, of congenial origin.”[8] But to be appropriate as a prayer for all people, and any situation, the liturgy must be formal, and keep “emotion under the strictest control.”[9]

The direct expression of emotion in prayer is more appropriate in personal prayer or popular devotions. These are rightly intended to appeal to certain tastes and circumstances, and consequently retain more local characteristics and aim more at individual edification, but they must remain distinct from the liturgy. “There could be no greater mistake than that of discarding the valuable elements in the spiritual life of the people for the sake of the liturgy, or than the desire of assimilating them to it.”[10] The liturgy is celebrated by the whole body of the faithful, not simply the assembled congregation. It embraces “all the faithful on earth; simultaneously it reaches beyond the bounds of time.”[11]

Guardini notes that, since the liturgy doesn’t fit any personality type exactly, all must sacrifice some of their own inclinations to properly enter into it. And, though liturgy requires fellowship, this does not mean ordinary social interaction. “[T]he union of the members is not directly accomplished from man to man. It is accomplished by and in their joint aim, goal, and spiritual resting place—God—by their identical creed, sacrifice and sacraments.”[12] Guardini insists that liturgical prayer “must spring from the fullness of truth. It is only truth—or dogma, to give it its other name—which can make prayer efficacious.”[13]

Missed This Article in March

CNA: St. Paul VI’s Feast to be Celebrated May 29

Optional, indeed.

Sacred Liturgy Conference


Good to see Bishop Daly sponsoring this at Gonzaga University. The speakers seemed to be slanted towards the traditionalist side -- is there anyone there to represent the "reform of the reform," or is that dead, having failed to gain any traction within the American Latin Churches? (No one to represent a Bouyerian reform, either.) Any no representation from the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter?

Sacred Liturgy Conference in Spokane

Fr. Thomas Joseph White on Freedom

CWR/CNA: Dominican scholar: Church crisis calls for renewal of Catholic teaching on freedom
Ultimately, White thinks the solutions to today’s crisis in the Church will not be something new, and that the deep solutions needed “depend on grace and also the internal formation life and discipline life of the Church.”

He said it is true that the Church needs to make some prudential considerations about the formation, training, and vetting of priests and bishops, and that the laity have the right to expect and insist upon reform from bishops and priests.

I think most are more interested in proposals for changes to how the institution is run and how oversight of authority is possible, or accountability. If the relationship between the bishop and the Christian people of the local church needs to be re-examined, and our understanding of ecclesial authority needs to be refined and corrected, then maybe some of the solutions, those pertaining to the exercise of authority and accountability, may be new. If a bishop is a scandal to the faithful and an impediment to communion or the life of the Church, then if he doesn't resign, some other action must be possible to remedy this.

Newly Published!

Sandro Magister: Risen “According To the Scriptures.” A Freshly Published Easter Homily of Joseph Ratzinger

Call for Abstracts

Fr. Weinandy Responds to "the Letter"

First Things: Is Pope Francis a Heretic? by Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M. Cap.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Is the Pre-1955 Roman Holy Triduum Really Better?

1P5: My First Experience of a Pre-1955 Holy Triduum by Peter Kwasniewski

Recently, I bumped into a friend who expressed her surprise that this year was the first time I had ever attended the pre-1955 (i.e., ancient or unreformed) Holy Week liturgies. She was under the impression that someone who travels, reads, …

See also: NLM: Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions of Pius XII

Peter Kwasniewski on "the Letter"

1P5: When Creeping Normalcy Bias Protects a Chaotic Pope by Peter Kwasniewski

Reactions to the Open Letter accusing Pope Francis of holding seven heretical propositions — a letter that now bears the signatures of 81 clergy, religious, and scholars — have ranged from strong support (Zmirak, Coulombe, Verrecchio) to sympathetic critiques (Lawler, …

A Brief Update on the Open Letter on Papal Heresy by Steve Skojec

There have been a number of developments on the Open Letter accusing the pope of heresy since I first summarized it in this space on April 30. The first of these is that the number of scholars who have signed it …

Pope Francis, the Open Letter, and the Pesky Preface by Steven O'Reilly

The Secular Mind Versus the Whole Heart


Holy Baptism

Venice in the East


Holy Week and Pascha:


Pope Francis on the Question of...

Deaconesses. Or women deacons? Does he know the difference?

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Dr. Henry Sire


CWR: In visiting North Macedonia, Pope Francis follows in the footsteps of St. Mother Teresa by Ines Angeli Murzaku

“This Easter is special for us, because we celebrate it on the eve of the visit of the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis. I truly believe that this visit is an important step [...]

Milwaukee Chamber Choir: Arvo Pärt, "The Beatitudes"

Monday, May 06, 2019

More of a Tribute to Fr. Schall

Than a testimony to the current state of the Society of Jesus.

First Things: Jesuits and The Catholic Mind by K. E. Colombini

Just to be Through

I probably haven't finished the series in the past.

Zenit: Fr. Cantalamessa's Fifth Lenten Homily

Will There Be Any Repercussions for This?

NCReg: Father Aidan Nichols Signs Open Letter Charging Pope Francis With Heresy by Edward Pentin
The Dominican priest is one of 19 academics and clergy calling on the world’s bishops to admonish the Pope and publicly reject heresy or face losing the papacy.

After all, Fr. Nichols' lecture on the papacy from last year has not been published in full.

Ephesians 6:12 and Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 6:12

For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Put into context:
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; 16 above all taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that utterance may be given me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains; that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

With respect to our ultimate end, and the first object of our love, God, who is our enemy? What can other men do to prevent us from loving God? Nothing directly. They can only try to lead us away through temptation and persecution and torture. But who is the murderer from the beginning (John 8:44)? Doesn't the devil try to get us to reject God through temptation only? The devil cannot do anything to us directly. But the devil is much more subtle and clever than any human being, and he is our ultimate enemy.

If we are to become righteous in God, we must first deal with ourselves first, and the snares that the devil has set for us.

But this is not to deny that we do not have human enemies, especially with respect to secondary goods, like the good of the family or the good of the political community. And while the devil too operates in this sphere as part of his larger rebellion against God, still our human enemies are real, and they really are our enemies. Even if we are enjoined by our Lord to love them that does not mean that we do not need to respond to them and their attacks appropriately. The Gospel is not an pacifist humanistic religion.

Our human enemies have agency, and  a proper response, including the use of violence if necessary, should be understood as a form of correction or retributive justice.

Similarly, Matthew 10:28 -- is this another example of hyperbole? Can we ever get rid of the emotion of fear, instead of submitting it to reason? I don't think so. So perhaps what our Lord is really saying if you are to fear, you should really fear the devil and his cohort, who are trying to lead you away from God and to perdition. That is our first concern. But He is not denying that there are secondary goods--while secondary goods are not as important as the first good, God Himself, we may love them for the sake of loving God (and neighbor), and in grave circumstances it may be necessary to take extraordinary measures to secure those goods.

God Save Bavaria

CNA: German Church membership will be halved by 2060, new study says

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Friday, May 03, 2019

Pascha in Athens

More on A.G. Sertillanges, O.P.

CWR Dispatch: Rules for Christian Intellectuals, Part II by Dr. Kelly Scott Franklin

Latins Gonna Latin

This was republished by Catholic Culture in response to the letter accusing Pope Francis of heresy. Alternative ecclesiologies will not be considered!

Theories that Francis is not the Pope (or can be deposed) destroy the credibility of the Church by Dr. Jeff Mirus


Preaching and Theology

Church Life: There’s No Relation Between Preaching and Theology by John Cavadini

Something on the Book of Revelation

Church Life: Liturgy and Slaughter in the Book of Revelation by Francesca A. Murphy

The New Passover

Church Life: The Liturgy is the Easter Story’s Proper Setting by Paulinus Ikechukwu Odozor

Richard Bernier, "Byzantine Spirituality and the Tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola"

Not a connection one would expect to be made, and probably not without criticism.