Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Salvation by Faith

The Myth of Religious Violence

And another lecture at SCU:
Chiesa: Double Friendly Fire Against the “Pope Emeritus”

First Cardinal Brandmüller, then Bishop Sciacca. The one an illustrious historian, the other a luminary of canon law. Both of the circle closest to Ratzinger. But both absolutely opposed to his continuing to have himself called pope

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Eastern Christian Books: Passion and Compassion in Early Christianity

Eastern Christian Books: Passion and Compassion in Early Christianity

Ordered passion/emotion? Or some variation of the care ethic?

Contemporary Byzantine Painting

What's the point?

Should these meetings just be discontinued? If there are to be such meetings, they should be done with local bishops.

A Painting of Benedict XVI

Monday, August 29, 2016

Papal Message to Catholic-Orthodox Symposium

I Ought to Get a Copy of The Beginning of the Gospel

Will SVS Press publish the English translation?

Pravmir: Metropolitan Hilarion: I Owe Everything in My Life to the Church by Anna Danilova, Ph.D.
(via Liturgical Notes and The Moynihan Letter

If That Was His Primary Reason for Resigning

Then he could have cancelled WYD 2013. If that wasn't an option because too much had already been invested, then could he not have delegated to another bishop? But then WYD would not have had the same drawing power.

All the reason more for it to be done away with now.

The Moynihan Letter: Letter #52, 2016: Why Benedict Resigned

Two New Books on the Theology of Louis Bouyer

One in French, the other in Italian:

L'humanisme eschatologique de Louis Bouyer de Sœur Marie-David Weill

Alessandro Scardoni:
Louis Bouyer: itinerario di una teologia mistica tra dossologia e sofiologia

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Blueprints for the Little Church

the book
Faith Encouraged Live with Fr. Barnabas Powell

Fr. Cassian Folsom

Repetition But Not Mechanical

An Unfamiliar Title

On Liturgical Customaries for Seminaries: An Example of Mutual Enrichment from the Anglican Patrimony by Revd Fr Christopher Smith

I am told that nowadays some seminaries have attempted more precise handbooks of behavior in church and seminary, general rules of life. I have not seen any of them myself. In my day in the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary, everything from etiquette at table to liturgical decorum and expectations of clerical dress were all kind of an oral tradition that was passed from superiors to seminarians in the form of peer pressure to conform, rather than in any manual.
Pray, Tell: Conclusions Regarding the Female Diaconate

Friday, August 26, 2016

Fr. Hunwicke: The Roman Rite of 1965
Chiesa: Bergoglio Too Has His Nonnegotiable Principles

They are the four postulates with which he continually inspires his governance of the Church, the first of which says that “time is greater than space.” The trouble is that they do not hold up. An erudite Benedictine monk explains why

The Theotokos of Vladimir

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016

Tumane Monastery

Chiesa: Farewell, Poland. Buttiglione Triumphs in Chicago. And Rodrigo Guerra Counter-replies

They were both scholars of the thought of Karol Wojtyla. But now they are in favor of communion for the divorced and remarried. The former garners the applause of Archbishop Cupich. And the latter duels with his Polish friend

William T. Cavanaugh, "Secularism and Idolatry"

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Including Some of My Favorite Byzantine Catholic Churches

NLM: Assumption Photopost

I hope St. Michael can gain some new members.

Roots of Christianity

Assuming that it did exist, what remains of the pre-Christian Jewish oral (or written) tradition(s) of interpretation and commentary on the Old Testament? Was there something more authoritative or separate from the Oral Torah? How much of the tradition of early Jewish exegesis has been preserved?

Friday, August 19, 2016

Deaconesses and the Dangers of Antiquarianism by Christian Browne

Separation of Seating by Sex at Mass
It seems that, in the early Church, men and women sat apart at Mass, in separate areas of the church building. The practice is noted in the Apostolic Tradition, attributed to Hippolytus of Rome and written around 215, wherein women are instructed to “pray in another place in the church, by themselves, whether faithful women or catechumen women.” Hippolytus also restricts the “kiss of peace” by sex, so that men were prohibited from the exchange of the greeting with women.

This should be of particular interest to the enthusiasts of the Novus Ordo, for one of the grounds for demoting the once untouchable Roman Canon and adding the new Eucharistic Prayers was to recover the “anaphora” prayer ascribed to Hippolytus, now set down as the ubiquitous Eucharistic Prayer II.

In addition, major Church Fathers Saints Augustine, Cyril of Jerusalem and John Chrysostom endorsed the separation of the sexes as fostering modesty and as a safeguard against impure thoughts creeping in during Mass. The ancient and enduring nature of the practice is evident from the fact that it was strongly commended in the 1917 Code of Canon Law. “It is desirable that, in harmony with ancient Church order, the women in church be separated from the men.” (Canon 1262, § 1)

Thus, since the separation of the sexes was a practice of the ancient Church, praised Church Fathers, and because many of the foundations of the Novus Ordo are rooted in the attempt to recover these early practices, it would make sense to study segregation by sex along with the study of the revival of the female diaconate.
Crisis Magazine: An Apology for Catholics of the Past by Timothy J. Williams

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

More from Fr. Hunwicke on the Assumption

Why was she assumed? A Patrimonial answer
NCReg: Melkite Eparchy Celebrates 50-Year Milestone of Evangelizing in America by Peter Jesserer Smith
The Eastern Catholic traditions rooted in the ancient Church of Antioch have blossomed in the U.S. since the close of Vatican II.

One aspect of liturgical renewal that the bishop plans to initiate is an adaption of the parochial Byzantine office from the eighth century, so that Melkite Catholic men and women can gather to pray the Church’s morning and evening prayer with each other. The office currently is geared toward monks, but the new “parochial office” will enable the laity to integrate these prayers in their lives and reap their Church’s rich spiritual tradition through the week.

[Roman] Catholicism: The Pivotal Players

A slick production but it does seem to have a rather limited perspective on Church history. I may be enjoy Chesterton's writing but does he merit inclusion here? Similarly, the place of Michelangelo is debatable...


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Insight Scoop: A noteworthy (but little noted) revolution at World Youth Day 2016 -- A Different Kind of World Youth Day

From the Mass programs:

The overarching aesthetic, though, is a sound specific to Dominicans in France and Poland. You’ll notice several compositions by French priest André Gouzes, OP, in which he hearkens back to Byzantine chant with its circular four-voice harmonic progressions. Several contemporary Polish composers are also represented, who employ a similar aesthetic (sometimes called the “Gouzentine” sound). Most of this music is antiphonal, where a short refrain is repeated several times, interspersed with Scriptural verses. It’s a bit like having multiple Responsorial Psalms packed into a Mass.

Not sure if you can find any samples of this below:

Msgr. Michael Heintz on Dryness in Prayer

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Eastern Christian Books: A Word from Adrian Fortescue

Eastern Christian Books: A Word from Adrian Fortescue

St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Monastery

CWR: Francis and Fundamentalism by Carl E. Olson

Why should we equate Christianity to Islam in terms of its inner dynamic—that is, its core beliefs about God, man, the temporal order, and so forth? Why must we think that Islam and Christianity are equal in terms of moral teachings?

Thursday, August 11, 2016

The Authority of Nostra Aetate

Fr. Hunwicke: Nostra aetate; its authority; Judaism; good news

Of Historical Interest, But Useful for Today?

Latin traditionalists might think so...

NEW: St. Robert Bellarmine's long Catechism in English -- and a Rorate reader discount

Is the Latin original available?

Eastern Christian Books: Byzantium's Saintly Spectacular Empire

Eastern Christian Books: Byzantium's Saintly Spectacular Empire

Eastern Christian Books: Classifying Christians and Heretics

Eastern Christian Books: Classifying Christians and Heretics

A Note on Voting

Voting seems to be a materially unjust act, not a formally unjust one for most voters -- they have no control over who can be a candidate. In that respect, the parties and the "system" is at fault. Still, if they do not write in a candidate who they think is most qualified for the office, are they complicit in injustice? Who is an acceptable write-in candidates is determined by the state government, and I don't know if all states share the same rules. I am guessing that they don't. One can ask whether those rules or just or not, or if they place an undue burden on those seeking to exercise their vote in good conscience.

Scott Hahn, "Paschal Sacrifice: A Heavenly Banquet for Earthly Beggars"

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

I've done some tinkering with the template for the blog. Most likely there will be some more changes in the future, but not any time soon.

Lecture by David Clayton on September 11

Living Christ: Reclaiming the Church in Our Home and Life -- it will be livestreamed

ICC Workshop on the Prayer Life Described in the Little Oratory Book by David Clayton

A talk from Professor Clayton last year:

Brant Pitre on Christ the Bridegroom

Saturday, August 06, 2016

The Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ

NLM: A Byzantine Combination Breviary and Hand-Missal by Gregory DiPippo
Christian History: The Rich Heritage of Eastern Slavic Spirituality
Though practically unknown to most Westerners, the history of Orthodox spirituality among the Eastern Slavs of Ukraine and Russia is a deep treasure chest of spiritual exploration and discovery.

Feast of the Transfiguration

Thursday, August 04, 2016

Seeking to Understand Jorge Bergoglio


A great deal of commentary on the present reigning pontiff of the Catholic Church has been focused, especially here in the United States, on his political and economic policies. These include his preoccupation with themes concerning poverty, immigration, and social justice, as well as the environment and global warming. While these are interesting speculations, they do not answer the question of the deeper theological vision underlying these political positions. An important element perhaps lies in the simple fact that he is a product of 20th-century Jesuit formation. First, one must take into consideration Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, whose thought has become almost universally accepted within the Jesuit order..

The Pope and Perón By Dr. Samuel Gregg
Does a long-deceased Latin American populist provide us with insight into Pope Francis?

"Three Pathways into the Theological Mind of Pope Francis" by Keith Lemna and David H. Delaney

More on The Meeting Point

A New Translation of Controversies of the Christian Faith by St. Robert Bellarmine

Translation by Kenneth Baker, SJ

Thou Art Peter by James V. Schall, S.J.
Chiesa: “L'Osservatore” Says What “Amoris Laetitia” Says. But Then It Gets Pelted

Point and counterpoint between Rocco Buttiglione, in the pope’s newspaper, and Professor Robert A. Gahl of the Roman university of Opus Dei. The former in favor of communion for the divorced and remarried, the latter against

Cyril Hovorun on Andrew Louth's Modern Orthodox Thinkers: From the Philokalia to the Present

Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Alcuin Reid Interview

NLM: Radio Maria Interview with Dom Alcuin Reid by Gregory DiPippo

Dr. Phyllis Zagano

Sitting During the Homily

This is a stsandard practice in Byzantine churches; what is to be done if there are no pews or chairs? I have seen people sit on the floor or carpet, "Indian-style" (that term is undoubtedly not PC these days) but that seems to me to be rather questionable and unrefined, especially since people do not take their shoes off before they enter a temple. Sitting "Japanese" style or seiza seems preferable as one is more mobile and one will not get one's bottom dirty because of a dirty floor or carpet, and it looks a bit more dignified. Did Jews ever sit in the Temple? How did they sit, if at all, when listening to a teacher /rabbi?
Marcellino D'Ambrosio: Ressourcement Theology and its Intellectual Background -- A Select Bibliography

Two Thomisms: Reflections on the Centenary of Pius X's Letter against the Modernists

From 2007

Tuesday, August 02, 2016

Problems with The Meeting Point


And it is meant to be taught to mixed classes? Incredible.
SVOTS has only 3 women on its faculty. STOTS, 1.

(3 at BCS)

St. Gregory Palamas on the Decalogue

Part 1

Andrew Louth on St. John Damascene

A Recollection of Elder Paisios

Kallistos Ware on Being a Person

The Center of Theology of Father Symeon Krayiopoulos

The Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem has a Facebook page... isn't it time for that title to be done away with?

Deaconesses in the Roman Rite?

The Remnant: Bergoglio and the Institute of the Incarnate Word: Hints of Things to Come? by Hilary White

Thomism for the New Evangelization

a book by Fr. Thomas Joseph White, available for free here.

Msgr. Michael Heintz, Liturgy and Vocation

Monday, August 01, 2016

Crisis: Women Deacons? A Matter of Authority by Fr. Regis Scanlon, O.F.M. Cap


A parish is thinking of implementing a new Bible study program; I assume it is the product of RENEW and not some Protestant program of the same name.

More quick-fix gimmicks for the post-conciliar Latin churches in the United States?

Catholic? Since When?

CWR Blog: Chemin Neuf and Taize among new Catholic movements present at WYD by Filip Mazurczak
New Catholic movements that flourished after Vatican II, especially in Europe, are helping to rejuvenate the Church, and many of them are present in Krakow.

Chemin Neuf may be Catholic but Taizé, though it may have Catholic members. What is their appeal? A pseudo-traditional feel? Emotional worship music? The sense of community and belonging?

Chemin Neuf UK
Vatican page